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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April 12, 2010 <br />Page 11 <br />Additional discussion included development of individual constellations for basic <br />facilities and/or programs, with not every service or program available at each <br />park; challenges of those areas of the community under-served by parks; creative <br />thinking necessary to provide those services at this time or in the future; devel- <br />opment of stronger relationship with parks lying across borders for the communi- <br />ty (i.e., City of Lauderdale) through partnerships with those communities and/or <br />private entities or businesses, but available to the public. <br />Further discussion included the individual interest of Councilmembers in pursuing <br />a survey, specific to asking for statistically valid information as a precursor to a <br />bond referendum; general support of the Council for the constellation concept to <br />provide access in various areas, as well as building continuity in the park system, <br />while being creative and yet practical and reflecting reality and how the commu- <br />nity defines itself in relationship to neighborhood parks; <br />Councilmember Pust suggested that the Work Group also think about a communi- <br />ty center from acommunity-wide perspective outside the traditional bricks and <br />mortar structure. <br />Additional discussion included the Harriet Alexander Nature Center (HANG) al- <br />so known as Concept Planning Area #7, and the boardwalk currently being re- <br />moved with no plans to replace it; private and public areas at HANG; challenges <br />of the possible implementation of a pathway around that wetland area; and ongo- <br />ing work with the Technical Advisory Committee (TAG) for a broader perspec- <br />tive. <br />Upcoming community meetings for the Master Plan process were announced, as <br />detailed in the Report dated April 12, 2010; and the opportunities reviewed at <br />these small group .get-togethers in workshop format and providing interactive de- <br />cision-making. <br />b. Update of Infrastructure Improvements for the Twin Lakes AUAR Area Fi- <br />nal Report <br />City Engineer Debra Bloom provided an update on cost allocations for infrastruc- <br />ture improvements in the Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area as detailed in the <br />RCA dated April 12, 2010. Ms. Bloom noted that staff performed this annual re- <br />view and update as conditions changed, with the purpose of the infrastructure <br />study to highlight future infrastructure needs as identified in the AUAR through <br />2010 with a goal to fund. and allocate costs for those public improvements as iden- <br />tified. Ms. Bloom noted that there werel6 improvements listed in the original <br />study, with another addition of Iona Lane to that original number. Ms. Bloom ad- <br />vised that the improvement area was bordered by Cleveland Avenue; County <br />Road D; Snelling Avenue; and County Road C; with each area anticipating specif- <br />ic improvements. <br />