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Executive Summa <br />The percentage ofnon-targeted materials (at the curb) in the single-stream routes were <br />higher than the percentage of non-targeted materials found on the same routes <br />collected as dual-stream routes in the "Before" period. The percentages of non- <br />targeted materials in the single-stream routes were higher than the percentages of non- <br />targeted materials found in the combined "During" dual-stream pilot routes. <br />Tonnages of Material Collected <br />Average gross weights (all tonnages, including non-targeted materials) collected per <br />route for each week of the study for which data was collected (three weeks in the <br />"Before" period, and five weeks in the "During" period for the dual-stream routes, <br />nine weeks for the Weekly route) were calculated. These gross weights were then <br />converted to an average gross weight collected per household per route. <br />Weights of non-targeted materials included by residents with their recyclables were <br />calculated for each pilot area. Overall, non-targeted materials in the "During" single- <br />stream areas were found to be statistically significantly higher than the dual-stream <br />"Before" areas. <br />Using this contamination data from the composition study, the gross weights per <br />household were then adjusted by subtracting the non-targeted materials to determine <br />the net pounds of targeted recyclable materials per household collected per route in the <br />"Before" and "During" periods for each pilot area, as shown below in Table ES-2. <br />BI605 DRAFT ES-3 <br />