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C-6 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping <br />Key to Required BMP Title Permit <br />Unique BMP Reference <br />ID Numbers <br />6a-1 Munici al O erations and Maintenance Pro ram V.G.6.a <br />6a-2 Street Swee in ** <br />6b-2 Annual Inspection of All Structural Pollution Control V.G.6.b.2 <br /> Devices <br />6b-3 Inspection of a Minimum of 20 percent of the MS4 V.G.6.b.3 <br /> Outfalls, Sediment Basins and Ponds Each Year on a <br /> Rotatin Basis <br />6b-4 Annual Inspection of All Exposed Stockpile, Storage V.G.6.b.4 <br /> and Material Handlin Areas <br />6b-5 Inspection Follow-up Including the Determination of V.G.6.b.5 <br /> Whether Repair, Replacement, or Maintenance Measures <br /> are Necessary and the Implementation of the Corrective <br /> Measures <br />6b-6 Record Reporting and Retention of all Inspections and V.G.6.b.6 <br /> Res onses to the Ins ections <br />6b-7 Evaluation of Ins ection Fre uenc V.G.6.b.7 <br />6c-1 Good Housekee in Pro rams V.G.6.c.1 <br />The goal of the Pollution Prevention /Good Housekeeping measure is to improve and/or protect <br />the quality of receiving waters by altering the performance of MS4 operations. It can also result <br />in cost-savings due to proper and timely maintenance that could avoid damage from age and <br />neglect. The City of Roseville will perform maintenance activities, maintenance schedules, and <br />long-term inspection procedures for structural and nonstructural storm water controls to reduce <br />floatables and other pollutants discharged from the City's separate storm sewers. <br />Training seminars will be conducted to instruct city employees on proper inspection for storm <br />sewer structures. Proper documentation will be made, any action recommended to improve <br />current condition will be sent to the party responsible for Pollution Prevention /Good <br />Housekeeping measure and prompt corrective action will betaken. Records will be kept of all <br />inspection results and any maintenance performed or recommended. <br />wq-stom4-50 <br />