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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
5/26/2010 10:57:08 AM
Creation date
5/26/2010 10:57:06 AM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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exempt entity. Given the amount of tax revenue already given away to Northwestern College, it hardly <br />seems appropriate to vacate even more of our prime tax base. <br />Our City Council and staff are constantly saying "we can't do anything but allow this," "we have no <br />authority to turn down this request.'' These statements, while not always accurate, are often because of <br />too weakly or broadly written portions of our Comprehensive Plan or Zoning Code. If these policies are <br />closely written and tightly monitored, the Council would much more often be able to easily act in the <br />best interests and majority wishes of the residents. Furthermore, the staff would have more accurate <br />guidelines when working with potential developers. <br />In discussing this proposed change, the City Council should consider the potential for inappropriate mixing <br />of business and institutional facilities in commercial districts. This could potentially lead to sex shops, <br />liquor stores, or pawn shops next to charter schools, day care centers, high schools or nursing homes. <br />These issues, while currently hypothetical, under the proposed revisions could become difficult <br />situations and ones in which the staff and City Council might be unable to avoid. <br />I would like to propose that our Comprehensive Plan, less than one year old, remain as currently written and <br />that the Zoning Code follow closely the desires spelled out in the Comprehensive Plan. When a proposal that <br />is broadly supported by the community and economically beneficial to the community comes forward, the City <br />Council should then and only then consider an exception for that specific proposal. To broaden and generalize <br />what we have would be to simply open a "pandora's box" of development with no opportunity for residents or <br />the Council to take appropriate action to deny or severely limit an inappropriate or detrimental proposal. <br />I would like to offer several ideas for consideration. <br />That a policy for payment in lieu of taxes be established for private institutions and religious institutions <br />within Roseville and that it be stated plainly documents and impressed on all developers and proposers. <br />That the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code remain very tight to allow the City Council to respond <br />appropriately to proposals that are not in the best economic interest of the residents or which are not <br />broadly supported by the residents. <br />That staff be given better guidelines regarding appropriate proposals so that those that are inappropriate are <br />not brought before the Council or sought by staff. <br />That any change(s) to the Comprehensive Plan be undertaken annually at a specific time and that residents <br />are well notified and encouraged to participate in discussions and the process of any changes. This is an <br />extremely important document that should not be changed, even with a 4/5 majority, without significant <br />public notification. Setting an "annual time certain" and specific process would remove any need for <br />additional notification. Any petitioner for change could easily wait, but would know in advance that <br />nothing would be done until the "annual meeting." <br />Thank you for your consideration. <br />z <br />
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