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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 10, 2010 <br />Page 8 <br />• <br />Chair Doherty noted one past issue, redevelopment of a commercial parcel on <br />Lexington Avenue and County Road B, and the guidance of the Comprehensive <br />Plan and zoning code rewrite to move buildings forward on lots to make those <br />commercial properties more pedestrian friendly; and the controversy and apparent <br />disconnect between that guidance and final City Council decision. <br />Councilmember Johnson noted that he had been concerned with sightlines for pe- <br />destrian and bicycle traffic with that specific development; and advised that he <br />had learned more about those zoning goals since that time and would use that in- <br />formation for future. commercial redevelopment requests of a similar nature. <br />Councilmember Roe noted the difficulty with that specific proposal and the lack <br />of access on the street side, causing consternation on his part as well. <br />Chair Doherty noted that such a design standard was a significant change from <br />past practice and provided for a fundamentally different look to the City than in <br />the past; but noted the problematic issues with that design standard on streets <br />without sidewalks, and suggested that other infrastructure changes may impede <br />achievement of those goals, referencing the recent remodel of the Ace Hardware <br />Store on Lexington Avenue. <br />• Councilmembers concurred that this was a good point for the City Council to re- <br />main conscious of; and as a group complimented the redevelopment of the Ace <br />Hardware remodel in conforming to adjacent buildings. <br />Mayor Klausing again thanked Chair Doherty and Commissioners Gisselquist and <br />Wozniak for their attendance and comment. <br />14. Public Hearings <br />15. Business Items (Action Items) <br />b. Consider Petition requesting the City to accept an Existing Private Street as <br />a Public Street and Adopt a Resolution Ordering the Preparation of a Feasi- <br />bility Report for Ferris Lane Reconstruction <br />City Engineer Debra Bloom briefly reviewed the request as detailed in the Re- <br />quest for Council Action (RCA) dated May 10, 2010. Ms. Bloom noted that rep- <br />resentatives of Ferriswood II Condominiums and their attorney were also present. <br />Ms. Bloom reviewed, in detail, the petition and staffls interpretation of that re- <br />quest, as well as past requests; and reviewed what circumstances under which the <br />City Council would consider taking over this existing private street as a public <br />. street. Ms. Bloom reviewed existing underground infrastructure and current <br />maintenance, as well as that required in the future; and the need to consider soil <br />