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<br />-2- <br /> <br />R. .J. DEDRICKSON, 2668 North Pascal. Spoke before. Wanted to <br />know if the storm sewer had to be put in before County Road C <br />would be inproved. <br />GENE ANDERSEN, 1437 Tailsl'lan. How will property to the west of <br />Pascal drain. <br />JERRY BEAN, 1410 Judith. j\'anted to know what cOITillJercia1 property <br />paid. <br />FRANK KRUSE, 2671 Sheldon. Wanted to know if the ponding area <br />nortnwest of Pascal was ever to De designated as a Village park. <br />DUANE MILLER, l418 .Judith. Wanted to know if the storm sewer would <br />serve Rosedale and the business community. <br />A petition signed by 45 individuals was presented opposing the <br />storm sewer i~)rovement. <br /> <br />After discussion of the views presented by persons appearing at the <br />public hearing, Councilman Grauel then introduced the following <br />resolution and moved its adoption: <br /> <br />RESOLUTION N~. 5120 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SHiEl{ <br />IMPROVEr-lENT ST-68-23 UNDER N~D PURSUANT TO HINNE SOTA <br />STATUTES, CHAPTER 429 <br /> <br />BE IT RE SOLVED by the Council of the Village of Roseville, Minnesota, <br />that 111 accordance tvith the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chap. <br />429, as amended, the Council he ld a public hearing pursuant to published <br />notice, on the proposed construction of storm sewer Improvement 63-23 <br />consisting of storm sewers for the area bounded generally by Judi tn Avenue, <br />County Road C, Pascal Avenue and She ldon Street. The foregoing was <br />described in the Notice of Hearing at a cost presently estimated to be <br />$112,000.00 and is substantially in accordance with the engineer's report <br />dated Hay 22, 1969 as to tne feasibility thereof which is now on file in <br />the office of the Village Manager. Having considered the views of those <br />interested persons and being fully advised in Ule premises, the Cotffici1 <br />does hereby determine and order that said improvement shall be con- <br />structed and financed, and special assessments shall De levied therefor, <br />pursuant to said Chapter 429, as amended,and that the area proposed to <br />be assessed therefor shall include the property as described in the <br />notice of hearing; and that the engineer is hereby directed to prepare <br />and submit to the Council final plans and specifications for tne constru- <br />ction of said improvement. <br /> <br />The motion for the adoption of tJ1e foregoing resolution was duly <br />seconueJ by Member Anderson, and upon roll call vote being taken <br />thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: All present <br /> <br />and tile following voted against: None <br /> <br />WHEREUPON said resolution was ueclared duly nassed and adopted. <br />