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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 7, 2010 <br />Page 10 <br />Councilmember Pust concurred, with one caveat that the Master Plan needed to <br />be a relevant and living document and not outdated prematurely. <br />Mayor Klausing clarified that the City Council maybe 100% behind the concept, <br />but was tasked with the realities of other obligations and needing to reconcile eve- <br />rything based on that reality and impact to its citizens and taxpayers. <br />Additional discussion included trending in staff of the Parks and Recreation De- <br />partment, consistently eroded since 1993, while the responsibilities of programs <br />and facilities continued to increase; and how to increase volunteerism while ade- <br />quately supervised by staff. <br />Commissioners noted the availability of volunteers within the community; how- <br />ever, recognized the need for staff to guide them; and recommended that a Volun- <br />teer Coordinator be provided to facilitate volunteers. <br />Discussion included development of a database of volunteers through this paid <br />Volunteer Coordinator position's organization and supervision; partnerships with <br />schools (i.e., service learning days, scouting); involvement with other agencies <br />(i.e., Northwest Youth and Family Services); sharing of the database among other <br />communities and/or organizations; and opportunities to maximize volunteers. <br />Mayor Klausing suggested that Mr. Brokke and City Manager Malinen coordinate <br />follow-up on such an objective and recommendation to the City Council for con- <br />sideration; and whether such a position could be for all departments, not specific <br />to the Parks and Recreation Department. <br />Councilmember Johnson enthusiastically supported such an objective and con- <br />curred that this would be a win-win situation for all parties; and noted that the <br />current volunteer base was aging, and needed to be resuscitated and nurtured to <br />make it vibrant. <br />Further discussion included the potential far a local sales tax levy, authorized by <br />the legislature, and requirements of such a levy and use of those funds for region- <br />al uses; and whether another option would be to affect legislation that such uses <br />not be restricted to regional, but community capital uses. <br />Additional discussion included proactive actions on the Emerald Ash Borer <br />(EAB) concerns and receipt of a grant to inventory all Ash trees; impacts to the <br />City's aesthetics and property values; replacement of those trees; current staffing <br />and funds available to treat the problem; and actions of the U of MN and other ci- <br />ties to-date. <br />Councilmember Pust noted her recent attendance at a session in the City of New <br />Brighton and options for regional cost-sharing and plans for a shared Forester and <br />