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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/9/2010 11:50:41 AM
Creation date
7/9/2010 11:50:40 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 14, 2010 <br />Page 7 <br />Councilmember Pust observed that past discussions and considerations had also <br />been within the context of a major recession as well as state-mandated levy limits. <br />Councilmember Ihlan noted that the City. applied a levy increase of over 7% in <br />2010 during a recession, and now appeared to be considering a higher levy in <br />2011; and suggested that the discussion needed to consider long-term outlooks for <br />taxpayers with ongoing .significant increases .annually and compounding upon <br />each other. Councilmember Ihlan suggested that it maybe more prudent to antic- <br />ipate areas of reduction in the size of vehicle fleets, equipment holdings and not <br />maintaining current levels; and also to consider cost-sharing, pooling vehicles, <br />and reducing fleets. based on energy efficiencies or maintaining the current fleet. <br />Councilmember Ihlan expressed concern in using Equipment Certificates, essen- <br />tially away for the City to bond without a referendum and approval by the City's <br />taxpayers. <br />Mr. Miller noted that the CIP made some assumptions based on status quo opera- <br />tions and anticipated growth for service and/or program levels; however, noted <br />that if and when other models of service were considered (i.e., fire service model), <br />significant savings could be realized on the fleet itself and long-term facility <br />needs. <br />Additional discussion included impacts of new facilities versus maintenance and <br />repair of existing over the long-term; anticipated ten-year payback for a new fire <br />station; funding through borrowing money for one-time purchases (i.e., for con- <br />struction of new facilities) versus advantages of having reserves built into the sys- <br />tem for ongoing maintenance needs. <br />Mayor Klausing cautioned the need for discipline by current and future City <br />Council's to avoid dipping into those reserves to maintain artificial levy rates to <br />consider long-term rather than short-term community needs and benefits. <br />Councilmember Johnson spoke in support of perpetuating savings, recognizing <br />Roseville's identify as a low-tax community and different options taken by past <br />City Councils. However, Councilmember Johnson noted the stresses those ac- <br />tions have placed on the City's day-to-day operations and resources in all depart- <br />ments, and expressed his sincere interest in considering all options with an open <br />mind, including raising the levy if there were not other obvious options. <br />Mayor Klausing expressed his interest in pursuing a referendum to provide a bet- <br />ter sense to the City Council on whether they were addressing citizen values and <br />allowing taxpayers to make those decisions on specific proposals. <br />Councilmember Roe noted the need for community input for all the issues and <br />funding caps currently before the City to consider the proposals put forth by the <br />City Council to resolve those issues as part of the upcoming budget discussions. <br />
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