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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 14, 2010 <br />Page 6 <br />Finance Director Chris Miller provided additional background information as de- <br />tailed in the staff report and attachments dated June 14, 2010, as a follow-up to <br />previous discussions held by the City Council on May 17, 2010. That detail in- <br />cluded whether the current ten-year CIP was realistic and whether broader policy <br />discussions on some of those items in the CIP needed more consideration. Staff <br />provided. each major category in summary spreadsheets and narratives; and identi- <br />fied those items having a greater sense of urgency to fund as core functions; and <br />those having more stable funding sources. Department Heads were present to re- <br />spond to any questions or to provide additional detail. Mr. Miller identified the <br />vehicle and equipment funds as the most glaring and urgent problems. <br />Councilmember Johnson identified $20 million over the ten-year period specific <br />to the park system, and how those items would be addressed through prioritization <br />in the Master Planning process. <br />Discussion included inclusion in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan priority <br />recommendations for available and/or potential funding sources (i.e., referen- <br />dum); and how different needs can be addressed by multiple options as the next <br />phase of the Planning process (i.e., implementation), including partnership oppor- <br />tunities. <br />Councilmember Roe suggested that similar implementation plans be utilized for <br />the remaining $80 million of the CIP gap. <br />Further discussion included those funds showing a healthier reserve level at this <br />time with a caution by staff that the current practice of using those reserve funds <br />for operational costs was not sustainable in the long term. <br />Councilmember Pust initiated a discussion on Equipment Certificates for funding <br />vehicles and equipment, above and beyond current state-mandated levy limits. <br />Discussion continued on how those Certificates were issued, with a shorter term <br />(i.e., 5-10 years) as opposed to normal municipal bonding at 15-20 years, and also <br />subjecting them to smaller rates; with staff offering to consult with the City's <br />bond counsel on the actual items for which those Certificates could be used. <br />Further discussion included other levy exemptions available to the City that have <br />not been used in the past (i.e., Police and Fire salaries). <br />Mayor Klausing observed that, while other options may be available, the main <br />City Council consideration was how much could be imposed on the community, <br />and what the community thought they could shoulder (i.e., park infrastructure re- <br />ferendum). <br />