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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 12, 2010 <br />Page 5 <br />Discussion included the challenges and delays of the project; failure of the appli- <br />cant to seek an additional extension from the City in sufficient time; difference in <br />this request from the original to allow the INTERIM USE through year-end unless <br />finished sooner, based on staff attempting to allow ample time to crush and reuse <br />the concrete, seen as in the best interest of the City and the applicant, in addition <br />to public awareness of the INTERIM USE. <br />Applicant Representatives, Douglas E. Klamerus, Sr. Professional Engineer, <br />Water Services with Short, Elliot Hendrickson, Inc. <br />Mr. Klamerus detailed the delays due to an unexpected additional layer of rein- <br />forced concrete across the top of the tank that was beyond the original plans; dur- <br />ing excavation, the finding of leaking water mains serving the site, allowing addi- <br />tional water into the site; and the largest delay due to the contractor failing to ob- <br />tain applicable watershed district permits, further delaying demolition work. <br />Roe moved, Klausing seconded, adoption of Resolution (identified as Attachment <br />E) No. 10825 entitled, "A Resolution Approving Concrete Recycling at the Dale <br />Street Reservoir as an INTERIM USE in accordance with Roseville City Code, <br />Section 1013.09, for Saint Paul Regional Water Services (PF10-001)." <br />Mayor Klausing expressed disappointment that the work had not been completed <br />on time; however, he noted the overall value in recycling the concrete on site as <br />opposed to the additional stress and impact on the neighborhood and local roads <br />by hauling the material off-site. <br />Councilmember Ihlan spoke against the motion opining that it was possible to re- <br />cycle the concrete off-site, and while being more expensive, it was better due to <br />the risk of environmental issues being too great near a park and residential neigh- <br />borhood. Councilmember Ihlan referenced MPCA and federal findings related to <br />concrete crushing; and further opined that this was the wrong time of the year to <br />be undertaking this process. Councilmember Ihlan noted that public opposition <br />had been heard during previous presentations on this issue from people in the <br />neighborhood as well as those using Reservoir Woods Park. <br />.Councilmember Roe spoke in support of the motion and on-site recycling based <br />on discussions held during the original application. Councilmember Roe noted <br />the substantial amount of truck traffic to haul material off-site to be recycled at <br />another location, in addition to bringing fill in for use in the base of the new struc- <br />ture, estimated by staff at between 600-900 truck trips. Councilmember Roe <br />opined that it made sense to eliminate that additional traffic, and noted that the <br />MPCA standards were also in place to deal with the dust and emissions from the <br />operation on-site. <br />Councilmember Ihlan expressed her interest in hearing from the people in the <br />