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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 12, 2010 <br />Page 6 <br />neighborhood related to their desire for additional truck traffic versus inhaling the <br />dust from the crushing operation. <br />Councilmember Johnson spoke in support of the motion, advising that he'd spo- <br />ken with several residents in the area who had expressed their lack of interest in <br />additional truck traffic. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Roe; Pust; Johnson; and Klausing. <br />Nays: Ihlan. <br />Motion carried. <br />b. Consider City of Roseville v. Ryan Twin Lakes Limited Partnership Settle- <br />ment <br />City Manager Bill Malinen reviewed the background of litigation initiated by the <br />City of Roseville in August of 2009 with Ryan Twin Lakes Limited Partnership <br />and Ryan Builders, Inc. (Court File No. 62-CV-09-10379) regarding a dispute <br />over a 1997 Development Agreement and financing plan entered into by the two <br />parties; with the City alleging that Ryan owes the City a sum of $93,574 under <br />those governing contracts. Additional provisions and history of this ligation were <br />provided in a written Memorandum from City Attorney Erickson, Bell, Beckman <br />& Quinn, dated July 8, 2010 and prepared by City Attorney Mark F. Gaughan, de- <br />tailing results of court-mandated mediation with Ryan representatives, Finance <br />Director Miller, City Manager Malinen and Mr. Gaughan. <br />City Manager Malinen noted that, at a June 28, 2010 Closed Executive City <br />Council session, he had presented a confidential update of the litigation and re- <br />sults of that mediation process. As part of tonight's City Council Agenda mate- <br />rials, Mr. Malinen provided a copy of a Settlement Agreement and General Re- <br />lease, identified. as "Attachment A" to the July 8, 2010 Memorandum from the <br />Office of the City Attorney, with Counsel for Ryan having approved and con- <br />sented to the form of the document, as well as a "Stipulation of Dismissal with <br />Prejudice (referenced as Exhibit A to the Agreement). Mr. Malinen advised that <br />those documents set forth provisions for a final lump sum payment by Ryan to the <br />City of Roseville, within seven (7) days of execution of the documents, in the <br />amount of $60,000. <br />Pust moved, Johnson seconded, approval of the terms of the settlement claims, as <br />presented, with the necessary formal copies of the documents made available for <br />their execution by Mayor Klausing and City Manager Malinen, and the City At- <br />torney, at the conclusion of tonight's meeting. <br />Councilmember Ihlan advised that she would vote in support of the settlement <br />amount to avoid the cost of additional litigation. <br />