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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 12, 2010 <br />Page 7 <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Roe; Pust; Johnson; Ihlan; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />c. Consider Planned Unit Development Amendment for the Wellington Redeve- <br />lopment at 2167 Lexington Avenue <br />Economic Development Associate Jamie Radel provided a brief review of the re- <br />quest of Wellington Development, through PUD Agreement No. 1385, identified <br />as "Attachment B" to the Request for Council Action dated July 12, 2010. MS. <br />Radel noted that this agreement was for redevelopment of 1126 Sandhurst Drive <br />and 2167 Lexington Avenue from asingle-family home and former TCF Bank <br />building into a professional office building. Ms. Radel noted the request for a <br />one-year extension to the agreement in a letter dated June 17, 2010; identified as <br />"Attachment C" to this request; based on the developer's ongoing marketing ef- <br />forts to secure a secondary tenant, delayed due to the current economic climate, <br />and not requiring the developer to go through a land entitlement process a second <br />time. <br />Ms. Radel presented a draft Amendment to the PUD Agreement, prepared by staff <br />and the City Attorney; granting this extension, while acknowledging that all other <br />terms and conditions of the PUD Agreement dated July 13, 2009, remain in place; <br />and requiring the developer to pay the fee to record said amendment with Ramsey <br />County. <br />A representative of the applicant was present. <br />Pust moved, Johnson seconded, approval of an Amendment to PUD Agreement <br />No. 1385 dated July 13, 2009 and identified as "Attachment D" to the RCA dated <br />July 12, 2010); granting a one (1) year extension to the development schedule <br />subject to the terms and conditions identified in Attachment D. <br />Councilmember Ihlan expressed concern with cone-year extension should the ad- <br />ditional tenant not be one originally anticipated; noting her objections to the addi- <br />tional parking on site, preferring to leave options open to allow adjustments on <br />impacts. <br />Councilmember Roe noted that the amount of parking required was based on use <br />not specific tenants, as per the PUD, and further noted that if a new tenant was <br />something other than office use, and the developer determined all of the parking <br />was not needed, that could be adjusted. <br />Councilmember Ihlan, recalling her perception of previous discussions, offered <br />that the developer sought more parking than required; and noted the desire to re- <br />duce asphalt coverage, thus her desire to negotiate that at the City Council level. <br />