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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/26/2010 10:30:33 AM
Creation date
7/26/2010 10:30:29 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 28, 2010 <br />Page 12 <br />ning Commission and staff, with the intent not to duplicate staff review, but to <br />have a voice specifically for stormwater and other environmental issues and <br />Complete Streets and pathways. Chair DeBenedet noted, in his past role on the <br />Planning Commission, that Commission had made recommendation to the City <br />Council that County Road- C-2 not go through between Hamline and Lexington, <br />and in hindsight, he opined that this was a mistake from acity-wide transportation <br />perspective, and that advice should have been different to allow better functionali- <br />ty. <br />Mayor Klausing noted the need to develop educational procedures to avoid inad- <br />vertent damage by heavy equipment used by contractors in damage to tree roots, <br />as part of a tree preservation, maintenance, and replacement ordinance in order to <br />produce the results being sought. <br />Mayor Klausing expressed his interest in making sure staff functions remain staff <br />functions, with the City Attorney providing legal advice; while ensuring that advi- <br />sory commissions provide expertise and real-world experience at the citizen advi- <br />sory level. <br />Councilmember Johnson expressed his personal appreciation for the PWET <br />members as he reviewed their monthly meeting minutes, and his appreciation for <br />Public Works Director Schwartz's leadership of the group, as well as the mem- <br />bers' passion and desire to take on a larger role. Councilmember Johnson noted <br />the work of the Commission on the Twin Lakes stonmwater recycling for Phase I, <br />and expressed the need for more innovations in the future. Councilmember John- <br />son questioned how the upcoming Fairview Pathway project addressed the Com- <br />plete Streets concept in meeting transportation needs. <br />Member Stenlund opined that the Fairview project was an example of the work of <br />the members, noting that it addressed snow storage, traffic calming, a sense of <br />place, safety for pedestrians and bicycles, connectivity to other communities; and <br />overall provided a unique blend in making Roseville a livable community. <br />Chair DeBenedet opined that the City of Roseville was making more significant <br />strides than some other metropolitan suburbs. <br />Additional concerns of the PWET Commission included additional street sweep- <br />ing and adequate funding of maintenance and rehabilitation to preserve infrastruc- <br />ture investments. <br />Discussion included maintenance of street systems and limits of traditional street <br />sweeping methods with new stormwater methods and goals in improving water <br />quality through best management practices in keeping roads clear of debris and <br />pollutants; potential cost-sharing with other communities for a street vacuuming <br />
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