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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 28, 2010 <br />Page 11 <br />Further discussion included the PWET's role in providing leadership and exper- <br />tise for both residential and/or commercial development or redevelopment, such <br />as complete streets and low impact development through leadership design and <br />making communities livable through management and maintenance of those aes- <br />thetic infrastructure aspects, both amenities and liabilities of that development <br />(e.g., pervious pavement and associated costs for installation and .long-term main- <br />tenance to determine cost-effectiveness). <br />Councilmember Roe noted that it made sense to have the PWET Commission <br />work with the Planning Commission and staff to determine that their role in land <br />use review should be, whether they were to serve in an educational capacity to <br />other advisory commissions to provide information or review of specific applica- <br />tions. Councilmember Roe suggested that the advisory groups have a joint dis- <br />cussion among themselves, and make a recommendation to the City Council for <br />further consideration. <br />Councilmember Roe expanded on the appropriate roles of advisory commissions <br />versus or complementing that of staff and the need for the City Council to under- <br />stand and be made aware of the process before it reached them. Councilmember <br />Roe encouraged volunteer commissions to bring their ideas forward, through <br />staff, in order for them to find their way through the process. <br />Additional discussion included technical levels of review by the PWET Commis- <br />sion beyond current review; impacts of industrial stormwater plans and impacts to <br />municipal stormwater plans. <br />Councilmember Ihlan expressed her full support of the role of the PWET Com- <br />mission in reviewing land use issues. Councilmember Ihlan questioned how the <br />PWET Commission discerned their role in environmental issues (e.g., the role of <br />trees in air and water quality),noting that the City currently lacked a tree ordin- <br />ance requiring preservation and significant replacement of those lost to develop- <br />ment. <br />Member Stenlund noted discussions among the PWET Commissioners about the <br />use of urban trees for water treatment; and expressed his personal note of concern <br />in recognizing the MN climate and snow storage needs. Mr. Stenlund opined that <br />it would not prove difficult to put together substantial guidance for a tree ordin- <br />ance if so directed. <br />Chair DeBenedet advised that his interpretation of the PWET Commission's role <br />in land use development and review would be of a broad advisory capacity <br />through making recommendation to the City Council on policy development is- <br />sues and whether applications were complying with established policies. Chair <br />. DeBenedet advised that this would provide another set of eyes, beyond the Plan- <br />