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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/26/2010 10:30:33 AM
Creation date
7/26/2010 10:30:29 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 28, 2010 <br />Page 14 <br />Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon reviewed the request for a <br />MINOR SUBDIVISION at the corner of Marion Street and Highway 36 Service <br />Drive, as detailed in the RCA dated June 28, 2010. <br />Discussion among Councilmembers. and staff included setback requirements for <br />each lot to be in compliance; removal of a portion of a paved turning area; staff's <br />administrative review of any non compliance issues and/or conditions prior to re- <br />cording of the plat at Ramsey County and no building permits issued for any of <br />the subdivided lots until they are in compliance. <br />Mayor Klausing opened and closed the Public Hearing at 8:04 p.m. for the pur- <br />pose of hearing public comment on the proposed Minor Subdivision Creating <br />Two Additional Residential Parcels at 2218 Highway 36. <br />Public Comment <br />Written comments in opposition, provided as a bench handout and were received <br />from Paul A. Lefebvre and Carolyn D. Silflow, 2230 Marion Road; and staff's no- <br />tice of the opposition of Dr. Hogankamp was also referenced. <br />Charlie Disney, 2265 Marion Road (across street; purchased Bob Brother's <br />house) <br />Mr. Disney reviewed the history of the development of this property, former and <br />current property owners; and current lot sizes and uses. Mr. Disney noted that <br />he'd lived in the neighborhood for a long time and had invested substantial money <br />in his home; and questioned why the City wanted to change the distinct and <br />unique nature of this neighborhood, when it had already been impacted by pre- <br />vious construction of a cul-de-sac. Mr. Disney questioned how much density the <br />City was seeking; and whether they'd given consideration to liability and fire ha- <br />zard issues, in addition to diminishing home values. Mr. Disney opined that the <br />one-way out access would create a crisis should a serious accident occur. Mr. <br />Disney questioned the need to change the whole neighborhood, and what would <br />prevent apartments on those lots in the future. Mr. Disney questioned the City <br />Council's rationale and whether they had any concern for existing wildlife and <br />expressed concern in the potential for drastic change in this neighborhood. Mr. <br />Disney opined that he had no desire to live in an inner-city neighborhood or have <br />"bad people" living next door to him. <br />Mayor Klausing, in response to Mr. Disney, clarified that this request was not a <br />City Council proposal and that they were not suggesting anything, but was simply <br />considering the request for a Minor Subdivision to divide one lot into three lots; <br />with that consideration taken under the guidance of existing City ordinance. <br />Mr. Disney spoke in strong opposition to this proposed subdivision, based on his <br />concern for future development and his desire to keep vacant lot area. <br />
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