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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 28, 2010 <br />Page 15 <br />Ms. Ruth and Mr. Chris Blumstar, 2250 Marion (adjacent to property to be <br />developed on third southern lot) <br />Ms. Blumstar advised that their property was currently for sale due to it being a <br />split entry home and their need to provide housing and care for Mr. Blumstar's <br />elderly mother, and their inability to remodel the home to fit those needs. Ms. <br />Blumstar expressed concern in the proposed subdivision negatively impacting <br />their ability to sell their house due to changes in the neighborhood related to exist-. <br />ing wildlife and green space. Ms. Blumstar opined that the neighborhood was <br />pleasant as it currently existed. Prompted by Mr. Disney, Ms. Blumstar expressed <br />further concern with noise from construction activities with the proposed rehabili- <br />tation of the existing home on one of those lots; and opined that it was daunting to <br />have the property subdivided and further opined that she was intimidated by what <br />vas happening and the potential impacts to their property. Ms. Blumstar ex- <br />pressed their interest in remaining in Roseville, and specifically in this neighbor- <br />hood, but expressed concern that other suitable homes to fit their needs were not <br />available in that neighborhood; and questioned impacts of proposed rezoning of <br />the entire community and whether that would impact their low density. <br />Mr. Chris Blumstar <br />Mr. Blumstar opined that it was ironic that the City Council had previously dis- <br />cussed a tree preservation ordinance, with the potential removal of a substantial <br />number of mature Oak trees between properties with this proposal; and opined <br />that whether they sold their home or not, their property value would diminish. <br />Mr. Blumstar questioned when the City Council said "no" to development and <br />looked at requests from a responsible viewpoint. <br />Mr. Disney <br />Mr. Disney advised that he would be very cognizant of individual votes on this <br />matter; noting that this action concerned their future and impacted their neighbor- <br />hood. <br />Marilyn Silvas, 2233 Laurie Road W, corner lot <br />Ms. Silvas noted her previous concern when Highway 280 was closed, and the <br />potential impacts to their housing area with approximately 300 families between <br />Cleveland Avenue and Highway 280, and the availability of only one exit. Ms. <br />Silvas opined that she thought there was a hazard at that time, and now with the <br />potential for allowing more people or future apartments, that additional density <br />was worrisome. Ms. Silvas spoke in opposition to the request, opining there <br />should not be more density and that green space should be preserved; and offered <br />her consensus with the majority of Mr. Disney's comments. <br />Mayor Klausing closed the Public Hearing at 8:28 p.m. <br />