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• <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 28, 2010 <br />Page 6 <br />k. Approve an Agreement of Cost-Sharing with the City of Little Canada <br />Johnson moved, Klausing seconded, an agreement between the Cities of Roseville <br />and Little Canada for cost-sharing for electrical line burial in conjunction with the <br />Rice Street Corridor project; as detailed in "Attachment" to the RCA dated June <br />28, 2010. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Johnson; Ihlan; Pust; Roe; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />8. Consider Items Removed from Consent <br />a. Adopt a Resolution Approving the Request by Clearwire, LLC fora Tele- <br />munication Tower Facility as a Conditional Use at 2489 Rice Street <br />• <br />com <br />(PF10-010) (Former Consent Item 7.g) <br />At the request of Mayor Klausing, City <br />this item as detailed in the Request for <br />2010. <br />Manager Bill Malinen briefly reviewed <br />Council Action (RCA) dated June 28, <br />Councilmember Ihlan noted the comments at the Planning Commission level and <br />to staff in opposition to this request, particularly noting the opposition of those <br />residents living across Rice Street in Little Canada, who expressed concern about <br />any detrimental impacts to the market value, and potential interference with radio <br />and other reception at the trailer park across the street. Councilmember Ihlan re- <br />quested that staff address any information that would address those concerns; as <br />well as noting her removal of this item in case there was anyone in the audience <br />who wished to make additional comment. <br />Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon advised that the Federal <br />Communication Commission (FCC) regulated bands for operation to avoid inter- <br />ference. Mr. Trudgeon further noted that, to-date in staff s research on any im- <br />pacts of telecommunication towers and property values, that research had pro- <br />vided no concrete peer or scientific analyses to make a determination of value im- <br />pacts, either negative or positive. <br />Councilmember Ihlan noted previous policy level discussions of the City Council <br />on sighting towers on public or park property, and noted that other communities <br />were adopting ordinances addressing location of towers, and encouraged the City <br />Council to do so as well. Councilmember Ihlan advised that she would vote in <br />opposition to the proposed motion, in support of the concerns of those Little Can- <br />ada residents who had expressed concern. <br />Mayor Klausing looked to the audience for any comment, of which there was <br />none. <br />• <br />