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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 28, 2010 <br />Page 7 <br />Roe moved, Johnson seconded, adoption of Resolution No.10824 entitled, "A <br />Resolution Approving the Installation of a Telecommunication Monopole Facility <br />on the Commercial Property at 2489 - 2499 Rice Street as a Conditional use in <br />Accordance with Roseville City Code, Section 1014.01 (PF10-010);" allowing for <br />the construction of a 125-foot telecommunication tower. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Johnson; Pust; Roe; and Klausing. <br />Nays: Ihlan. <br />Motion carried. <br />9. General Ordinances for adoption <br />10. Presentations <br />b. 2010 Rental Registration Report <br />Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon presented an update to the <br />City Council on the status of its rental registration program for single-family <br />homes, individual condos and townhomes, duplexes, triplexes, and quads and <br />sought additional direction from the City Council related to any modifications of <br />the program. <br />• Mr. Trudgeon noted that this was the third year for the registration program; and <br />reviewed some of the more unanticipated data collected, including more condo- <br />minium rentals versus single-family homes in the community, with 2% of the to- <br />tal single-family housing stock consisting of rentals, based on those rentals regis- <br />tered to-date. Mr. Trudgeon advised that staff was continually updating the data, <br />and providing ongoing outreach, as indicated by that data. Mr. Trudgeon re- <br />viewed amap of rental properties and types city-wide, noting no substantive con- <br />glomerations. <br />Mr. Trudgeon noted that the typical single-family rental consisted of older, small- <br />er, and lower value homes, with similar land allotments, but fewer improvements <br />for buildings (i.e., lack of exterior maintenance observed) in those single-family <br />homes as well as smaller multi-family units. Mr. Trudgeon advised that current <br />data would indicate that 12% of the city's total condominium stock was rented <br />out, with 15% of those (57) having code compliance issues compared to 7% of <br />single-family, owner-occupied homes. Mr. Trudgeon advised that staff continued <br />to make neighborhoods aware of the Neighborhood Enhancement Program (NEP) <br />during their walk-by inspections in respective neighborhoods, which appeared to <br />be providing positive results and awareness by the community of the program it- <br />self and their interest in complying. Mr. Trudgeon suggested that the remaining <br />2/3 of registered rentals be incorporated into the NEP during the normal course of <br />work without any additional staff hours, to ensure compliance of yard and exterior <br />