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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 28, 2010 <br />Page 9 <br />Mr. Munson noted that Ms. Angel Bursch and Ms. Judy Reynolds, representing <br />Bayshore Realty were in attendance at tonight's meeting and had advised that <br />they also represented the management company who had recently purchased the <br />property at auction, and that staff had been advised that the property was current- <br />ly in a five week redemption period. Mr. Munson advised that Ms. Bursch ad- <br />vised that the bank proposed to cut and remove brush on the property; however, <br />they had no intent to remove any junk or debris, or repair/repaint the garage until <br />that redemption period expired. Mr. Munson advised that, as with past practice, <br />staff would work with the bank to resolve these compliance issues, and recom- <br />mend amendment to their proposed requested action. <br />Ms. Bursch <br />Ms. Bursch concurred with Mr. Munson, advising that she had talked to the bank, <br />as well as their attorney, who recommended that no substantive work be com- <br />pleted until after the redemption period and the will is finalized <br />Mr. Munson recommended allowing the bank/management firm two weeks before <br />the City took action to remove the junk and debris from the lot, and seven weeks <br />before structural repairs were taken on by the City. Mr. Munson advised that, <br />having this pending action authorized by the City Council often provided suffi- <br />cient incentive for action on the part of the new owners. Mr. Munson noted that <br />Mr. Bursch had advised him that she would alert the bank to tonight's discussion <br />and subsequent action. <br />Discussion among Councilmembers and staff included not delaying removal of <br />the junk and debris any longer than two weeks; and application of fees to property <br />taxes for assessment if not paid by the bank and applied to the sales price. <br />Staff recommended that the Community Development Department be authorized <br />to abate the unresolved City Code violations at 391 Highway 36 by impounding <br />the junk vehicle immediately; removing junk and debris and brush if the bank <br />didn't complete that work within two weeks; and repair and repaint the garage if <br />not completed within seven weeks. Mr. Munson advised that this would ensure, <br />for the benefit of the neighbors and the entire community, that the work would be <br />completed yet this summer without further delay. <br />Pust moved, Johnson seconded, directing staff to abate the above-referenced pub- <br />- lic nuisance violations at 391 Highway 36 if conditions still exist after two weeks <br />by hiring contractors to remove outside junk and debris; remove dead brush; and <br />impound the inoperable vehicle; and further directing staff, if remaining condi- <br />tions exist after seven weeks to hiring general contractors to paint and repair the <br />garage; with the estimated cost for total abatement approximately $11,000.00; and <br />further directing that the property owner of record be billed for all actual and ad- <br />