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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 28, 2010 <br />Page 10 <br />ministrative costs; and if those charges remain unpaid, staff is to recover costs as <br />specified in Minnesota Statute, Section 407.07B; with costs to be reported to the <br />City Council following the abatement. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Johnson; Ihlan; Pust; Roe; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />a. Joint Meeting with Public Works, Environment and Transportation (PWET) <br />Commission <br />PWET Commission members present included Chair Jim DeBenedet; and Com- <br />missioners Joan Felice; Steve Gjerdingen; Duane Stenlund. Member Jan Van- <br />derwall was unable to attend but sent his regrets. <br />Chair DeBenedet reviewed projects they'd reviewed or accomplishments over the <br />last year, including the Rice Street and Highway 36 Interchange Design; Illicit <br />Discharge Ordinance; Annual Storm Water Report and Public Meeting; Annual <br />Recycling Report; and Study of Organized Waste Collection. <br />PWET Commissioners sought clarity from the City Council on their charge to the <br />Commission for pending projects and/or issues, including Inflow/Infiltration; <br />MS4 Storm Water Permit Requirements; Water Quality Improvements; Complete <br />Streets/Low Impact Development; Pathways and Trails; Improving Transit Op- <br />tions for Roseville; Conservation Water Rate Effectiveness; and Land <br />Use/Development Review. <br />Mayor Klausing thanked Commissioners for their great work, admitting his origi- <br />nal skepticism in the need for this advisory commission; however, he recognized <br />the valuable asset they had become and the complex issues they'd tackled for the <br />community. Mayor Klausing expressed his hesitation in involving the Commis- <br />sion in the land use review process, questioning if the process itself would be- <br />come too fragmented; and sought clarification from members as to their rationale <br />for involvement and topics of interest to the PWET Commission. <br />Chair DeBenedet advised that the main area of concern for the Commission was <br />related to stormwater management issues, with several of its members having in- <br />terest in and experience with those issues; and an area having significant city- <br />wide and regional issues for land development but not fully realized by the gener- <br />al public and/or those on the Planning Commission or Community Development <br />areas. Chair DeBenedet suggested that the PWET Commission could provide ad- <br />ditional input for staff in support of alternate and emerging technologies in this <br />field. <br />• <br />