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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 26, 2010 <br />Page 22 <br />Setbacks <br />Mayor Klausing questioned the intent proposed that any new construction with a <br />reduced front yard setback be consistent with homes adjacent on either side; or <br />whether that provided a third setback option. <br />Mr. Paschke suggested that averaging new construction with two identifiable <br />structures seemed appropriate, since current code would require a variance appli- <br />cation; and the proposed setback wouldn't encroach further on one side than the <br />other and subsequently block views, and would appear more consistent than hav- <br />ing ahard setback number. <br />Dimensional standards - LDR-1 (page 7) <br />Discussion ensued related to the Table under B (dimensional standards) and max- <br />imum building heights, whether defined as midpoint of the roof; and how acces- <br />sory structures having similar dimensional standards and wall height limitations <br />benefited the City; confusion with sloped roofs and building height and percep- <br />tions of neighboring properties with heights appearing to impose on their yards; <br />with staff noting that all terms would be defined in a separate section of code to <br />provide clarity. <br />Councilmember Ihlan spoke in opposition to dimensional standards (page 6, box <br />and footnote) related to the apparent attempt to maximize lot coverage to 50% in <br />residential districts, rather than retaining the 30% impervious coverage limita- <br />tions. Councilmember Ihlan noted that all other districts calculated those percen- <br />tages based on green space, and questioned how this met environmental goals, <br />while increasing potential flooding and pollution run off into lakes and wetlands <br />through increased lot coverage potentials. Councilmember Ihlan opined that it <br />seemed more appropriate to look at ways to reduce lot coverage, and with com- <br />pounding the issue by attempting to reduce minimum lot sizes, there was the po- <br />tential for a great reduction in green space or non-built areas over time; and fur- <br />ther opined that the City needed to support that additional green space beyond the <br />requirements of watershed districts. <br />Mr. Paschke clarified that the City was not attempting to change the maximum <br />impervious coverage from 30% (with shoreline being at 25%) but the intent was <br />to create a threshold for total improved area on a lot (such as decks and other per- <br />vious coverage) to not exceed 50% without mitigation for storm water manage- <br />ment on the site itself through a variety of options; and eliminating the need for <br />property owners to go through a variance process or administrative deviation that <br />would support that same goal. <br />Further discussion ensued regarding the need to define improved areas and im- <br />pervious surface; comparison of DNR definitions; criteria defined in meeting per- <br />vious and/or impervious surfaces; applicable mitigation remedies; current re- <br />quirements consistent with that proposed for single-family residential districts; <br />