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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 26, 2010 <br />Page 23 <br />previous discussions at the Planning Commission level and their confusion on this <br />point as addressed in Section 5.13 of the RCA dated July 26, 2010 and creation of <br />revised language; and recommendation by Cbuncilmember Pust to add a parame- <br />ter to the chart that only 30% can be impervious to avoid confusion. <br />Councilmember Ihlan brought up similar concerns in the LDR-2 District with up <br />to 70% lot coverage, and opined that the 30% calculation should stay in place. <br />Councilmember Roe clarified that this was discussing total lot coverage of 70%, <br />not specifically impervious coverage, which would remain at 30%. <br />Public Comment <br />Vivian Ramalingem, 2182 Acorn Road <br />Ms. Ramalingem noted the need to understand how rain gardens operated under <br />specific conditions; and suggested review of the substantial amount of available <br />on the web for the States of Michigan and Wisconsin detailing under which cir- <br />cumstances they were advisable and their drainage accomplishments. Ms. Rama- <br />lingem noted the need for the regulations to stipulate what was expected to be ac- <br />complished through the installation of rain gardens. <br />At the request of Mayor Klausing, Mr. Paschke advised that the proposed zoning <br />code would come before the City Council sometime this fall; with revised text for <br />these sections, as well as other sections available sometime in August after the <br />Planning Commission had held their public hearings and weighed in on revised <br />language. <br />Mayor Klausing encouraged citizens to forward any further questions and/or <br />comments to the City Council or staff; with Councilmember Roe noting the op- <br />portunities provided on the City's website for comment as well as notification of <br />public hearings and specific discussions by the Planning Commission. <br />Mr. Paschke requested City Council consensus to eliminate the proposed reduc- <br />tion in minimum lot size standards to 9,500 square feet. <br />Mayor Klausing noted the intent to better reflect reality, but the apparent public <br />perception, and suggested that it be set aside for future discussion. <br />Councilmember Roe expressed interest in looking at a separate Large Lot District <br />at this time and as part of the zoning code rewrite. <br />Mayor Klausing noted that this issue was more complicated, and advocated re- <br />moving it from the remaining zoning code changes at this time. <br />