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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 26, 2010 <br />Page 6 <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that, if the property would be available by mid- <br />August, there was no need to risk setting a precedent of the City waiving its limits <br />of liability. <br />By consensus, Mayor Klausing deferred action on this item until the next regular <br />business meeting to allow staff and the City Attorney's office to confirm that in- <br />demnification provisions were in place with contractors and subcontractors. <br />9. General Ordinances for adoption <br />10. Presentations <br />a. Joint Meeting with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) <br />Chair Dean Maschka; and Members Bill Masche; Susan Elkins; Tammy Pust; Bill <br />Majerus were in attendance. <br />Chair Maschka highlighted items from the HRA Work Plan, including the <br />"Greening of Roseville" program, referencing a recent newspaper article provid- <br />ing the City to position itself for this unique opportunity in promoting green con- <br />cepts. Chair Maschka noted development of the "Green Book," emphasis on sus- <br />tainability issues at the annual Home and Garden Fair; the success of the free <br />energy audits with a mass mailing sent last week to residents and additional Xcel <br />Energy audits scheduled next fall; and promotion of green building and remode- <br />ling awards in 2011. <br />Chair Maschka briefly mentioned the HRA's desire to work cooperatively with <br />School District No. 623 in a vision for the former Comcast site on Woodhill and <br />Victoria. <br />HRA Member Bill Masche expressed his pleasure in serving on the HRA and in <br />working with the City's staff. Member Masche noted that in HRA group discus- <br />sions, many things "bubbled up," with some moving forward and others not pur- <br />sued, depending on their merit. Member Masche asked individual Councilmemb- <br />ers for their perspectives on the role of the HRA in partnership with the City <br />Council to provide an understanding of their charge to the HRA. <br />Mayor Klausing observed that he'd always seen the purpose of the HRA as a re- <br />source to maintain the City's housing stock for afirst-ring suburb, based on the <br />2000 Vista community visioning initiative's recognition of the life expectancy of <br />existing homes. Mayor Klausing noted the HRA's role in various rental housing <br />issues; and expressed his excitement about competitive marketing opportunities <br />through spreading the word about Roseville's diverse housing stock for those not <br />necessarily looking for larger homes, and competitively marketing affordable <br />housing close to retail, close to both downtowns, and close to cultural opportuni- <br />