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<br />of $1,564,024 may best be borrowed by the issuance of $1,595,000 general obligation <br />temporary improvement bonds of the Village in accordance with the provisions of <br />Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.091, Subdivision 3, as amended, $30,976 of said <br />amount of bonds representing interest as authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section <br />47S.56~ and that this Council has awarded the sale of said bonds to The First <br />National Bank of Saint paul, of st. Paul , Minnesota, on the terms <br />and conditions as more fully stated in this resolution. <br /> <br />2. There is hereby created a separate and special fund for each of the <br />improvements to be financed by the bonds herein authorized to be issued. Into said <br />funds shall be paid the proceeds from the sale of said bonds and the collections <br />of special assessments levied on account of said improvements, and any other moneys <br />which this Council may appropriate to defray expenses of making said improvements. <br />The designation of each of such funds, and the amount of bond proceeds to be <br />credited and paid into said respective funds shall be as follows: <br /> <br />Name of Fund <br /> <br />Amount to be Credited <br /> <br />Street Improvement P-69-l8 <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />5,433 <br />32,115 <br />34,295 <br /> <br />Storm Sewer Improvement ST-69-19 <br /> <br />Sanitary Sewer, Water and Street Improvements <br />88-69-12, W-69-13 and P-69-14 <br /> <br />Sanitary Sewer, Water and Street Improvements <br />88-69-22, W-69-23 and P-69-24 <br /> <br />30,615 <br /> <br />Street Improvement P-68-33 <br /> <br />16,766 <br />353,338 <br /> <br />Sanitary Sewer, Water and Street Improvements <br />8S-69-7, W-69-8 and P-69-9 <br /> <br />Sanitary Sewer, Water and Street Improvements <br />58-69-27, W-69-28 and P-69-29 <br /> <br />115,610 <br /> <br />Consolidated Storm Sewer Improvements <br />ST-67-24, ST-69-20 and ST-69-21 <br /> <br />902,650 <br /> <br />Watermain and Sanitary Sewer Improvements <br />W-SS-69-25 and Street Improvement P-69-26 <br /> <br />33,202 <br /> <br />$1,564,024 <br /> <br />3. Upon completion and payment of all costs of making any of such im- <br />provements, the fund of such improvement shall be discontinued, and all moneys <br />'therein shall be paid into the Temporary Improvement Bond Fund of the Village <br />which is hereby created; provided, however, that any remaining balance of bond <br />proceeds in any fund not needed for completion of the improvement on account of <br />which the fund was created may by resolution of the Council be transferred to the <br />fund of any other improvement instituted under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. <br />