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Roseville Charter Commission <br />Roseville City Hall Council Chambers <br />Minutes of Meeting of November 15, 2000 <br />I. Call to Order/Roll Call The meeting was called to order by chair Vicky Lorenz at 7:00 p.m., all members were <br />present. <br />II. Approval of minutes of October 18, 2000 and Annual Report Two minor errors were corrected by the <br />secretary. Several additions were made to the Annual Report. Both were approved. <br />III. Public Comment No one appeared to speak to the Commission. <br />IV. Revisit By-laws The new language suggested for Section 4, Order of Business, was approved. The mystery of <br />the missing By-laws disc was solved, enabling Commissioners to receive the revised version of the By-laws. <br />V. Revisit Chapter 2, Form of Government <br />2.03 Council Composition and Election Discussion of the new language submitted for this section resulted in <br />a motion by Johnson that the sub-committee reconvene to prepare a final draft for the January meeting. A <br />friendly amendment was added that more precise language make clear how long each term will be in the <br />transition period if the charter is adopted. Motion passed unanimously. <br />2.05 Vacancies Discussion of the new language revealed the same problems in regard to length of terms and <br />succession as in 2.03 and questions regarding the pool of candidates to fill vacancies. Motion by Sands to <br />refer Section 2.05 back to sub-committee. Motion passed unanimously. Members of the sub-committee are <br />Ron Riach, Bob Bell and Pat Johnson, with possible assistance from Craig Klausing. The Chair requested <br />that notes on these two sections be provided to Commission members before the next meeting. <br />3.01 Council Meetings <br />Clarification was needed as to what a public meeting is for televising purposes in view of the present policy to <br />consider any meeting or public event at which three council persons are present a public meeting. Motion by <br />Johnson to strike the last sentence, which was adopted at the last meeting, and in the third sentence insert after <br />ublic and broadcast. Motion was adopted, Riach nay, all others aye. <br />3.07 Procedures on Resolutions Motion by Bell to insert after resolution in the first sentence, not presented in <br />full in the minutes. Motion approved unanimously. <br />3.08 Signing and Publication of Ordinances and Resolutions Motion by Riach to adopt Section 3.08, <br />modifying clerk to city manager and rearranging the attesting, filing, and preserving language. Motion passed <br />unanimously. <br />3.09 When Resolutions and Ordinances Take Effect Motion by Lorenz to adopt Section 3.09. Amendment <br />by Johnson to strike 30 days. Motion passed, Sands nay, all others aye. Second sentence presumes that <br />initiative has been adopted. This section will be revisited after discussion of initiative and referendum,l~e <br />l~ee~-~cens~iei~. <br />3.10 Amendment and Repeal of Ordinances and Resolutions Motion by Bell to approve as stated in model <br />charter. Motion passed unanimously. <br />3.11 Revision and Codification of Ordinances Motion by Riach to adopt with changes: C~ to Council and <br />ci clerk to city manager. Motion approved unanimously. <br />Adoption of Chapter 3 will be delayed until after consideration of initiative and referendum <br />Chapter 4 -Nominations and Elections <br />4.01 The Regular Municipal Election Motion by Bell to add to beginning of Section 4.01 If a primary is <br />necessary it will be held the first Tuesday after the first Monday in September of every odd-numbered year. <br />Motion passed unanimously. This section retains odd-year elections. <br />4.02 Special Elections Motion by Johnson to adopt 4.02 as it appears in the model charter. Motion passed <br />unanimously. <br />