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Charter Commission
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Last modified
9/7/2010 12:08:55 PM
Creation date
9/7/2010 12:08:54 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Charter Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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CHARTER COMMISSION <br />JANUARY i7, 2007 <br />I believe that when the citizens of Roseville have told us twice that they don't <br />believe a charter is desirable or necessary we should believe them. Because there <br />is no longer a reason for the charter commission to exist it should dissolve itsself. <br />The originators of the petition to appoint a charter commission have often asked <br />us to consider the wishes of the 600+ petitioners. We have done so. We have <br />studied the charter form of government, written a charter and put one to a vote <br />twice. Our obligation to the petitioners has ended. Our obligation now is to the <br />375$ voters who said no in 2ooi, a larger number who said no in 2002, and to <br />those voters who are still surprised and mystified that we still exist. <br />We have also been asked not to dissolve so that at some time in the future a <br />charter commission can reappointed without the hard work of gathering <br />signatures for a new. petition. Here there are two issues to consider: fairness and <br />goals. First: at some future time, say io years from now or 20 years from now, <br />how many of the 1999 Petitioners are still voting citizens of the city? In all <br />fairness the list of signers should be scrutinized to determine which of those <br />names are still valid and that they appear only once. Second: are the goals of the <br />new effort the same as the goals on the original petition? The goals on this <br />original petition are: initiative and referendum, recall, and to place limits on the <br />expenditure of municipal funds without voter approval. <br />Obviously, the resulting charter did not meet all these expectations, and for good <br />reasons. State statutes now include provisions available to statutory cities like <br />ours that were formerly available only through a charter. The one thing not <br />provided is initiative and referendum without limitations. Anyone attempting <br />to place extensive limits on the expenditure of municipal fund5without voter <br />approval would be surprised at how limited their choices are. Another limiting <br />factor is that state statute supersedes anything written into a charter. As an <br />example, state statutes limit the reasons for recall. They do not include <br />rudeness, arrogance or hubris. <br />
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