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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 16, 2010 <br />Page 11 <br />City Manager Malinen clarified City Council directive, by consensus, for staff <br />and the City Attorney to proceed with an audit of the Holiday Inn Express Hotel's <br />actual lodging tax due through pursuit of their books and applicable records, un- <br />der provisions as outlined by City Code, Chapter 312. <br />City Attorney Bartholdi clarified that there would be no additional fees for his <br />firm's legal services, as this would be included as part of their retainer; and sug- <br />gested that the City Council authorize the City Attorney to perform the audit first, <br />then give staff direction on how to proceed for collection. <br />By consensus, the City Attorney and staff were so directed, and asked to report <br />the results back to the City Council. <br />c. Continue Discussion on the 2011 Priority-Based Budgeting Process <br />Finance Director Chris Miller summarized additional information provided and <br />detailed by staff in the RCA dated August 16, 2010, specifically funding for <br />Community Development Department activities; list of employee position vacan- <br />cies for 2011; and a revised list of proposed capital equipment purchases. <br />With respect to Community Development funding, Mr. Miller noted staff's ratio- <br />nale, following the completed "time spent profiles" by staff, in shifting code en- <br />forcement activities as a function of the General Fund rather than through Com- <br />munity Development permit fees. However, Mr. Miller noted that even with that <br />shift, given lower anticipated permit fees for 2011, previous depletion of desig- <br />nated reserves for the department, and continued economic challenges, there re- <br />mained astructural deficiency in how the Community Development Deparhnent <br />was funded that needed to be addressed immediately. <br />Mr. Miller noted that, even though the City Council had requested, and staff had <br />provided, additional information for the larger picture on programs/services not <br />funded by property taxes (Attachment B), there remained an urgency in finalizing <br />adoption of a preliminary, not-to-exceed budget and tax levy for the General Fund <br />by September 15, 2010. <br />Discussion included clarification of current vacancies for employee positions, <br />their history and projection; $130,000 in salary savings clarified in relation to the <br />specific department budget(s); definition of the $43,000 needed for the Skating <br />Center, with Parks and Recreation Director Lonnie Brokke clarifying that these <br />general maintenance items were not part of the bonding bill, since that was stipu- <br />lated for specific projects only, not general maintenance. <br />Further discussion included segregation of vehicles and capital equipment needs <br />projected for 2011 and reductions made by staff to-date for programmed needs <br />and realistic replacements and maintenance of the City's vehicle fleet and every- <br />day equipment needs. <br />