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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 16, 2010 <br />Page 10 <br />City Manager Malinen asked for City Council authorization for staff to proceed <br />with enforcement action, through initiation of civil action. From his perspective, <br />Mr. Malinen clarified that this was an imposed City tax and the City should en- <br />force collection, even though a percentage of the funds were remitted to the RVA <br />for their operations. <br />Mayor Klausing opined that it would serve as a bad precedent to initiate an "opt <br />out" program for taxes; and suggested that legal resource for collection action be <br />taken unless it was a nominal amount. <br />City Attorney Bartholdi noted that the ordinance allowed the City to obtain and <br />audit records from the motel to determine the accuracy of the actual tax owed <br />based on those records. <br />Further discussion included the total delinquent amount and payments made to- <br />date; whether it was more prudent, depending on determination of the actual <br />amount due from that audit, to pursue remedy in small claims court. <br />Councilmember Ihlan requested a future policy discussion related to collection of <br />such delinquent fees and/or taxes and who was responsible for legal costs to avoid <br />premature collection attempts and legal costs. <br />Councilmember Roe requested, as part of future policy discussions, to make a de- <br />termination whether current penalties and interest are adequate for enforcement <br />and assignment of legal costs for collection of delinquent amounts. <br />City Attorney Bartholdi clarified that, under these circumstances, the Holiday Inn <br />Express would not be responsible for legal costs, as there was no contractual <br />agreement in place. However, Mr. Bartholdi advised that the existing City Code, <br />Chapter 312, could be revised to include such a provision. <br />Councilmember Roe opined that it seemed prudent to revise Chapter 312 accor- <br />dingly to add that provision. Councilmember Roe noted that currently policy in- <br />dicated the businesses had until the 25th of the following month to remit payment, <br />at which time the amount became delinquent and fines and penalties accrued; but <br />cautioned that if the code stated a specific time for collections, everyone would <br />wait until then to pay. <br />Councilmember Roe requested additional information from staff as previously <br />noted and related to the actual dollars owed; and if the amount was found to be <br />significant, legal action £or collection should be pursued. <br />Councilmember Pust concurred, that additional document be pursued from the <br />business for auditing the actual amount due, at which time the matter could be <br />pursued in Small Claims Court. <br />