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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 16, 2010 <br />Page 13 <br />pursue the ranking process, but further opined that it was simply common sense <br />that if there wasn't much development occurring, high budget amounts were be- <br />ing expended for those functions that were not currently being utilized, and <br />should be considered for scaling back. <br />City Manager Malinen noted the "time spent profiles" indicated a considerable <br />amount of staff time for code enforcement efforts benefitting all, and not specifi- <br />cally related to permits or fees, thus staff's proposal to shift $165,000 to the Gen- <br />eral Fund rather than borne solely by the Community Development's fee-based <br />budget. <br />Councilmember Pust observed that the same argument could be applied to Plan- <br />ning activities and their benefit to the overall community. However, Council- <br />member Pust observed that she didn't support reducing planning staff when their <br />expertise would be required once development activities once again became more <br />active as the economy improved. <br />City Manager Malinen agreed to some extent, but significant fees were generated <br />by those activities and were more of a function of the department than code en- <br />forcement. <br />Councilmember Roe sought clarification on the figures for 2010 and 2011 on <br />planning and building code review and permits. <br />Mr. Miller advised that the figures were based on staffing and related costs to per- <br />form those functions; and based on projected building permits for 2011 trending <br />lower than current expenses; and the need to address structural concerns of the <br />budget beyond the proposed $165,000 transfer to the General Fund for code en- <br />forcement expenses. <br />Additional discussion ensued related to matching and carrying forward ex- <br />penses/revenues for 2011; and the need for a much more substantial effort in re- <br />ducing operational costs of the Community Development department if the City <br />Council does not support the recommendation of staff to transfer the $165,000 in <br />code enforcement costs to the General Fund. <br />Councilmember Ihlan spoke in opposition to raising taxes or transfemng code en- <br />forcement from fee-based to tax-supported funds to accommodate reduced fees <br />unable to pay for Community Development staff. Councilmember Ihlan reite- <br />rated that, while a tough decision, the reality was that if activities were down and <br />fees weren't being generated, the obvious place to scale back was in those areas. <br />Councilmember Ihlan questioned the need to fully staff those areas not currently <br />active. <br />