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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 16, 2010 <br />Page 14 <br />Further discussion included the clarification of twelve (12) full-time equivalent <br />(FTE) positions in the Community Development Department. <br />In response to Councilmember Ihlan, Councilmember Roe observed that it wasn't <br />automatic that the levy would increase by $165,000 due to taking the code en- <br />forcement function under levy support; but that it made sense to look at other <br />levy-supported items to offset that increase; and advised that he had considered <br />nuisance code enforcement costs as more in line as alevy-supported activity than <br />just with this year's discussion, since it made sense that the community at large <br />benefited from that activity. However, Councilmember Roe noted that, if there <br />were not a lot of code inspections, it didn't make sense to have staff to support it, <br />and that it needed further review. <br />Mayor Klausing observed that the other functions supported code. enforcement <br />and questioned whether it was prudent to peel off a popular piece of the picture to <br />save other functions; but did note the community's general support for improved <br />code enforcement, and the need to alleviate that burden from the Community De- <br />velopment Department budget and allocation of staff time and resources for their <br />other functions, with each function requiring additional review to determine addi- <br />tional savings. Mayor Klausing opined that it made sense to support code en- <br />forcement functions by the community at large, more in line with who benefits, <br />and reducing the burden on a department experiencing other challenges beyond <br />code enforcement. <br />Councilmember Pust sought clarification from staff on Attachment B (department <br />totals -middle column) and corresponding income column for comparison and <br />projections shown at the bottom; with Mr. Miller responding that they were avail- <br />able for comparison, with the exception of the Community Development Depart- <br />ment, assuming that the City Council adopted the proposed 2011 fee schedule dic- <br />tated by the proposed revenue, with those discussions, such as water/sewer rate <br />increases to support those functions, to be brought forward in November for City <br />Council consideration for 2011 revenues. <br />At the request of Councilmember Pust, Mr. Miller advised that the only enterprise <br />fund generating additional profits for allocation elsewhere was the License Cen- <br />ter, with other funds restricted to their specific use and fund. <br />Relating to Community Development operations, Mr. Miller observed that much <br />of their planning and economic development efforts may not come to fruition for <br />years, while staff was still required to incur their time and related costs in assist- <br />ing proposed development; noting the cycle type nature of that function that had <br />historically been accounted for and sustained. Mr. Miller clarified that staff was <br />not just sitting and waiting for something to happen, but were actively engaged in <br />providing a service to the general public and interested developers. Mr. Miller <br />requested City Council consideration of shifting code enforcement activities to the <br />