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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 16, 2010 <br />Page 15 <br />General Fund as proposed by staff, to allow fee-generated monies to be set aside <br />for planning and economic development as a necessary function of the City; opin- <br />ing that it would be a challenge to the City's operations if those functions were <br />not in place. <br />Councilmember Roe asked Mr. Miller to clarify if it was fair to say that over the <br />last few years, the City had been using Community Development budget reserves <br />to accommodate market downturns; and now there were no longer significant re- <br />serves to continue doing so; with the need to cut costs of shift how those functions <br />are funded. <br />Mr. Miller concurred with Councilmember Roe's interpretation of the situation <br />Councilmember Ihlan requested staff follow-up to provide a list of any new posi- <br />tions filled in the comparable time period of the reduction of nine (9) FTE's; posi- <br />tion that didn't' exist before, not replacements of existing positions. <br />City Manager Malinen requested direction from Councilmembers if staff was still <br />on the right track with their projected preliminary levy increase, or whether the <br />City Council had a different direction or reduced levy they preferred, in anticipa- <br />tion of the upcoming September 15, 2010 deadline for the .Preliminary, not-to- <br />exceed budget and levy. <br />Mr. Miller noted that there was only one more meeting before the September 13, <br />2010 meeting at which time the City Council would set that Preliminary Levy, <br />and that the August 23 meeting was significantly filled with land use items; with <br />staff not intending to come back before the City Council on budget-related items <br />before September 13, 2010. <br />Councilmember Roe questioned if staff had received enough feedback from the <br />City Council to-date to bring forth an action item. <br />City Manager Malinen advised that staff had considered and incorporated Council <br />comments to-date; however, reiterated that if the City Council had any preference <br />to adjust the staff-proposed levy from its current level, and based on the limita- <br />tions or constraints on the dollar amount available, staff requested that input now <br />before proceeding further at the proposed preliminary levy recommendations. <br />Councilmember Roe encouraged individual Councilmembers to provide guidance <br />to staff. <br />Mayor Klausing opined that he was comfortable with the proposed preliminary <br />recommendation by staff. <br />