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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 16, 2010 <br />Page 6 <br />13. Business Items - Presentations/Discussions <br />a. Discuss Repeat Nuisance Calls Ordinance <br />Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon provided a summary of the <br />draft ordinance proposed cooperatively by the City's Housing and Redevelopment <br />Authority (HRA), and its Community Development and Police Departments, as <br />detailed in Attachment A of the RCA dated August 16, 2010. <br />Mr. Trudgeon advised that, while this was not an overall solution, it would be an <br />additional tool to address and enforce some problem areas in the community. Mr. <br />Trudgeon sought feedback from the City Council on the draft language, noting <br />that the ordinance would be brought forward for consideration and potential ac- <br />tion at a future date. <br />Police Chief Rick Mathwig was present and concurred with Mr. Trudgeon's <br />summary and the need to address underlying issues.. <br />Community Relations Coordinator Sarah Mahmud and Administrative Analyst <br />Karen Rubey were also present. <br />City Attorney Bartholdi provided several additional comments related to staff's <br />introductory materials related to clarifying fees assessed to both owner(s) and oc- <br />cupant(s) -Section 511.02; and his recommendation for additional language on <br />Line 60 to clearly state that fees could be imposed for ["both "J; and suggested <br />that, should that circumstance arise, the City Council consider whether to cap <br />maximum amounts or per person maximums, stipulating that the full fee be as- <br />sessed for the owner and occupant as well. City Attorney Bartholdi further sug- <br />gested additional language for references to City Code, Section 314.052 (City Fee <br />Schedule Table addition after line 164), that the third column indicate: "$250 plus <br />the cost of enforcement response (which shall be determined by multiplying the <br />staff hourly rate times 1.9 times the number of hours expended in making the call, <br />for all employees involved in responding to the violation), the total of which fee <br />shall not exceed $2,000 per call" indicate that this include ["all individuals in- <br />volved in processing the fine through the city,J not just officers responding to the <br />call. <br />Mr. Trudgeon and Chief Mathwig concurred with City Attorney Bartholdi's rec- <br />ommended language revisions. <br />Councilmember Ihlan suggested another possible exception to consider in addi- <br />tion to domestic calls, would be other harassment situations at a property where <br />residents needed to repeatedly call police, such as hate-based crimes, third party <br />or neighbor disputes, or situations where the caller felt endangered. <br />