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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 16, 2010 <br />Page 7 <br />Chief Mathwig noted the State's Domestic Assault laws that may cover those <br />concerns; and Mr. Trudgeon noted that the ordinance was not intended to impact <br />victims. <br />Mayor Klausing noted the need, in difficult budget cycles, to limit expenses and <br />shift costs directly to those responsible, with some costs the overall City's respon- <br />sibility from taxpayer funds. However, Mayor Klausing recognized the concerns <br />raised by Councilmember Ihlan in seeking to make a clear distinction in protect- <br />ing and not penalizing victims. <br />Chief Mathwig clarified that calls would be defined by location not necessarily <br />the origination of the call. <br />City Attorney Bartholdi suggested to staff that language could be included indi- <br />cating "victim of harassment by a third parry." <br />Councilmember Pust suggested numerous technical and/or grammar revisions on <br />Attachment A for clarification and to avoid potential legal problems when domes- <br />tic calls become disorderly conduct charges as follows, and for staff's considera- <br />tion and revision as determined: <br />^ Line 86 <br />Clarification that the ten percent (10%) penalty is consistent with other <br />fines imposed by the City and with other City Policies <br />^ Line 113 <br />Revise language to address the hearing request received by mail or hand- <br />delivered <br />^ Line 128 <br />Define the consequences <br />^ Lines 147 and 156 <br />Clarify "owner" and/or "occupant" related to who pays the violation as per <br />lease terms, with clarification in the language in Line 149 indicating "te- <br />nant" or `tenants responsible" <br />^ Lines 49 - 56 <br />Discussion among staff and Councilmembers, initiated by Councilmember <br />Pust, included considering the circumstances to waive fees against the oc- <br />cupant, with Ms. Mahmud revising actual practice of a police officer de- <br />fining what qualifies as a nuisance and their determination of who is the <br />victim at that time, with the determination made on the scene and/or when <br />making the report after the fact. <br />Councilmember Pust suggested that staff and the City Attorney discuss the <br />actual practice and determine who has that discretion. <br />Councilmember Roe noted that Line 51 provided a broad statement of <br />what constitutes nuisance conduct, and questioned whether Items 1, 3 and <br />