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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 23, 2010 <br />Page 11 <br />Mr. Schwartz noted that by designating a specific fee for the street lighting as an <br />Enterprise Fund, the fee would be specific and restricted to meeting current unmet <br />needs for capital replacement costs rather than sharing in the available pot. Mr. <br />Schwartz clarified that street and signal lights were fairly uniformly located <br />throughout the City, based on the available power grid. <br />Further majority consensus was for staff to continue looking at and refining the <br />proposed fee and rate structure. <br />Councilmember Pust expressed some reluctance in proceeding, opining that she <br />hoped staff was able to return with answers to those concerns expressed. <br />c. Consider Amendments to Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Designations of <br />70 Anomaly Properties and Rezone Accordingly (PROJ0017) <br />City Planner Thomas Paschke briefly reviewed the request for Comprehensive <br />Plan -Land Use Designation for a number of anomaly properties in Roseville as <br />discussed during the zoning ordinance update for compliance with the recently- <br />adopted Comprehensive Plan update, as detailed in RCA dated August 23, 2010 <br />(Attachment A). Mr. Paschke advised that these items had been reviewed at the <br />July Planning Commission meeting and unanimously recommended to the City <br />Council for action as indicated. <br />Discussion included city-owned property and recommended designations, and <br />whether right-of--way or parks/open space designation was indicated and rationale <br />for such designation; easements versus rights-of--way designation; wetland par- <br />cels; and potential conveyance back to property owner(s) if a parcel was deemed <br />no longer needed or not needed in the future for city purposes. <br />Councilmember Ihlan expressed puzzlement in needing to change the Compre- <br />hensive Plan designation to comply with current use when the Comprehensive <br />Plan was guiding property toward a future use; opining that a future park/open <br />space (POS) land use may be indicated, using Langton Lake Park as an example, <br />even if homes were currently located on the properties guided for future POS use. <br />Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon concurred that the Compre- <br />hensive Plan document was afuture-looking document; however, noted the need <br />for the Plan and the City's Zoning Code to correlate. Mr. Trudgeon used several <br />examples of nonconforming uses and limited potential improvements of such a <br />property based on current zoning. Mr. Trudgeon opined that the City was better <br />served to match up the Plan and Zoning Code; and noted that the completion of <br />the Parks and Recreation Master Plan process would designate future areas for <br />expansion and use, and would be incorporated in future planning, and if neces- <br />sary, land use designation changed accordingly. <br />