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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 23, 2010 <br />Page 10 <br />gsage included forcing the City Council to make related adjustments annually to <br />ensure citizens were not being charged double for street lights. <br />Councilmember Pust advised that, if the fee was enacted, she could see an advan- <br />tage in making the collection pie larger by collecting from commercial properties <br />not currently paying for street lights; however, she didn't like the concept that <br />lighting was something paid for any differently than using the road and services <br />benefitting the entire community, rather than a fee indicating something that was <br />optional depending on need and/or perceived need. Councilmember Pust noted <br />that lighting as it involved public safety was not an option, and should be consi- <br />dered as a tax. Councilmember Pust was supportive of street lighting as a tax for <br />residential properties and a fee for commercial properties, if that was possible, <br />and keep the tax structure based on the ability to pay, not whether there was a <br />street light on a specific street. <br />Councilmember Roe clarified that commercial properties paid significant property <br />taxes in comparison to residential properties; and noted that it was not optional to <br />pay or not to pay recycling and/or storm water user fees, even though those were <br />more based on usage over and above a base fee. <br />Councilmember Pust noted conservation built into water rates, but that this would <br />not be possible with a lighting fee. <br />Acting Mayor Johnson noted that the discussion points brought up, as well as the <br />comments provided by the public in writing, were all good points. However, <br />from a practical matter, Acting Mayor Johnson noted that the City was financially <br />challenged, based on State levy limits and guidelines, as well as the level of ser- <br />vices expected from customers/citizens. Acting Mayor Johnson expressed interest <br />in continuing to discuss this potential idea and see how it matures, even though he <br />had strong reservations. <br />Further discussion included clarification that tax deductions were a philosophical <br />discussion and not based on a dollar for dollar basis; and clarification on rates for <br />single-family and multi-family or condominiums based on the number of units per <br />acre, with four (4) units the maximum no matter the total number of units in con- <br />sideration of the acreage fee allotted to all units. <br />Consensus of the majority of Councilmembers was that there didn't seem to be a <br />rationale for a rate structure similar to recycling fees; and to direct staff to develop <br />two (2) rates, one for single-family and one for all other non-single-family proper- <br />ties, consistent with what residents are currently paying on their property taxes for <br />lighting. <br />Councilmember Pust noted the differing viewpoints in the need for more revenue <br />and the need to reduce the levy in accordance with any additional fee(s). <br />