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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
9/15/2010 1:39:10 PM
Creation date
9/15/2010 1:39:04 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 23, 2010 <br />Page 15 <br />a. Discuss Zoning Text Amendment for new regulations for Title 10, Zoning <br />Regulations, pertaining to Employment Districts (PROJ0017) <br />City Planner Thomas Paschke briefly reviewed this item, seeking City Council <br />input into the new Employment Districts standards in the text portion of Title 10, <br />as detailed in the RCA dated August 23, 2010, with modifications listed in Sec- <br />tion 4 of that report; with design/performance standards for all districts to be con- <br />tained in a separate section of the code, currently under development. Mr. <br />Paschke noted three modifications to the proposed draft as a result of the Public <br />Hearing held at the Planning Commission level, and incorporation of those mod- <br />ifications, as indicated in blue, to the proposed draft. <br />Public Comment <br />Bob Venters, 1964 Fairview Avenue N <br />Mr. Venters requested assurance that the performance standards listed in the exist- <br />ing Zoning Code, Chapter 1007 (Industrial Districts) related to smoke, noise, par- <br />ticulate matter, etc. be incorporated into and evidenced in the proposed code. <br />Megan Dusbin, 2249 St. Stephens Street <br />Ms. Dushin provided a-mail comments to the City; and staff responses to her <br />comments were included as a bench handout, attached hereto and made a part <br />thereof <br />Ms. Dushin reiterated her concerns that one portion of the code could be adopted <br />when other sections were still being developed, and whether it wouldn't be more <br />prudent to adopt the entire document all-inclusive of all portions. <br />Ms. Dushin noted concerns with performance standards and restrictions related to <br />manufacturing processes in industrial zones and comparison between current and <br />proposed code. Ms. Dushin asked that the City Council consider air and noise <br />pollution related to buffer zones between industry and residential properties, and <br />potential uses for those areas. <br />Discussion among Councilmembers and staff included clarifying that perfor- <br />mance standards were a different chapter and would tie into all districts as appro- <br />priate once completely developed, along with other chapters (e.g., official zoning <br />map; zoning districts; performance standards; and definitions) deemed critical to <br />meeting the nine (9) month timeframe of the Metropolitan Council, as per State <br />Statute, to bring the City's Zoning Code into compliance with the adopted Com- <br />prehensive Plan. Mr. Paschke advised that further revisions, of a less critical or <br />high priority nature, would then be developed and incorporated. <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that the current Zoning Code rewrite was way <br />beyond what was necessary to bring it into compliance with the Comprehensive <br />Plan. Councilmember Ihlan further opined the need for the current and proposed <br />
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