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City Council Meeting Minutes
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9/15/2010 1:39:10 PM
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9/15/2010 1:39:04 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 23, 2010 <br />Page 16 <br />codes to be provided for comparison purposes to provide a more careful review <br />by the City Council and public on those things being deleted, added or amended, <br />rather than through the piecemeal process currently being processed. <br />Community Development Director Trudgeon clarified the process and rationale <br />for such a process and staff's attempt to bring portions forward for more timely <br />and periodic discussions on a regular basis, seeking comment from the public and <br />City Council, as the document proceeds. Mr. Trudgeon admitted that the process <br />was meant to allow for sharing back and forth to ensure all considerations were <br />addressed. However, Mr. Trudgeon advised if this process was too confusing on <br />a chapter by chapter basis, staff could package the entire Code together for dis- <br />cussion and consideration at one time, for an extended period of discussion for <br />this several hundred page document. However, Mr. Trudgeon opined that this <br />would be daunting and require a lengthy meeting; and further opined that staff <br />thought this was a more feasible approach. Mr. Trudgeon noted the difficulties in <br />providing a comparison of old and new documents, given the changes in format- <br />ting and attempted simplification of the new document. <br />Further discussion included clarification of those items allowed and those not al- <br />lowed in industrial zones, with staff assurances that current restrictions and regu- <br />lations will serve as a basis and be built upon from there for more stringent over- <br />sight rather than less oversight; and that those things actually removed from the <br />current to proposed code would be very minimal based on current indicators. <br />Councilmember Roe opined that it made sense to review current and new districts <br />in order to make comparisons, based on review of districts already seen and dis- <br />cussions to-date; but that from a process point of view it made sense to review <br />sections similar to the current process, followed by a review of the document in <br />totality once completed. <br />Additional discussion included clarifying that there was no intent to remove de- <br />sign or performance standards for Industrial Districts that were based on health, <br />safety and environmental restrictions; whether to have performance standards ad- <br />dressed across the board of specific to each chapter or land use designation; and <br />staff's preference to hear comments and concerns from the public and Council- <br />members as they continued to develop the Code. <br />Further discussion included clarifications in the Industrial District specific to al- <br />lowed uses, those identified and those not identified; preferences for clearly iden- <br />tifying those uses not permitted or ruled out altogether;. the need to include or im- <br />prove upon environmentally protected restrictions; and what mechanism would be <br />in place or scientific standard or methodology available to enforce specific per- <br />formance standards and their respective thresholds to allow proactive rather than <br />reactive enforcement. <br />
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