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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 23, 2010 <br />Page 19 <br />the residential property owners, may not be prudent and may cause them to lose <br />all buffer protections in the Regional Business District, which in reality could be- <br />come single-family homes in the future; noting the need to determine which stan- <br />dard was better served for all parties. <br />Discussion among staff, Mr. Sanocki and Councilmembers included how to pro- <br />vide those protections; additional clarity needed to address neighborhood con- <br />cerns; buffers there to protect neighborhood from commercial; changes addressed <br />in 2000 and 2001 to further protect the residential neighborhood from commercial <br />development; and the need to address Har Mar Mall area residential and commer- <br />cial concerns and interests, as well as those other Regional Business Districts. <br />J. L. Thompson, 2008 Asbury <br />Mr. Thompson, afifty-nine (59)-year resident at this location, referenced and <br />identified himself as the recipient of Mayor Klausing's letter as previously refe- <br />renced by Councilmember Ihlan. Mr. Thompson noted that this was an ongoing <br />problem adjacent to Har Mar Mall for many years; and opined that everyone to- <br />day seemed satisfied with the existing buffer zone, no additional access or egress <br />to the Shopping Center from that area; and adequate drainage of the mall site. <br />Mr. Thompson noted that the only concern was in retaining it the way it was or <br />whether the proposed zoning would create more of a problem, since at this time <br />those past problems had been resolved. Mr. Thompson suggested that the situa- <br />tion remain status quo to retain the control now available to residential property <br />owners in the area; and asked that the staff, the Planning Commission, and the <br />City Council find a way to keep the buffers and fences in place. <br />c. Discuss Residential Lot Size <br />City Planner Thomas Paschke noted that staff was returning to City Council for <br />clarification and better direction on residential districts based on discussion and <br />concerns raised at their July 26, 2010 meeting, and subsequent review by staff of <br />the record and analysis for the proposed reduction in standard lot size and maps to <br />better understand that recommendation, as detailed in the RCA dated August 23, <br />2010. <br />Mr. Trudgeon clarified that staff is only seeking discussion tonight, with no ac- <br />tion, and providing additional information to facilitate that discussion, based on <br />analysis of the Lot Split Study Group and their recommendations, and compari- <br />sons with other communities in determining lot sizes. <br />Councilmember Roe had provided as a bench handout, attached hereto and made <br />a part thereof, a graphic showing his interpretation of "pockets of conformity," as <br />an effort in addressing lot size standards. Councilmember Roe noted the fairly <br />large number of areas already conforming to current standards; recommendation <br />of the Lot Split Study Group for maintaining current standards, and addition of a <br />Small Lot Standard for those lots not conforming to current standards. <br />