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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 23, 2010 <br />Page 20 <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that the minimum lot size issue had nothing to do <br />with the Comprehensive Plan and not needed as part of the discussion for Zoning <br />Code changes. Councilmember Ihlan suggested that this discussion was hugely <br />complicated and that it be considered at a later date if necessary, and that consid- <br />eration be given to her previous suggestions for a sliding lot scale similar to that <br />of the City of Edina to address protections to the character of neighborhoods and <br />ensuring that those large lots could not be subdivided for future development. <br />Acting Mayor Johnson spoke in support of the general provisions of Council- <br />member Roe's proposal, recognizing the goal to get as many parcels as possible <br />into conformity; while noting the desire of a multitude of neighborhoods in pre- <br />serving their lots. <br />Councilmember Roe noted that, while there was a concern in some neighborhoods <br />about subdivisions or the potential for multiple small lots in their neighborhood <br />that was currently made up of large lots; this proposal made sense to have a lot <br />standard more reflective of actual reality for a number of small lots throughout the <br />community. <br />Councilmember Ihlan cautiously supported Councilmember Roe's approach; <br />however, she suggested that if other neighborhoods wanted to be included in the <br />"pockets of conformity," that they petition the City accordingly to allow as much <br />protection of neighborhood character as possible rather than attempting to make <br />things retroactively to a standard. <br />Mr. Trudgeon noted that the City was substantially made up of smaller lots; and <br />that it was not staff's intent to make more developable lots, but to bring existing <br />lots into compliance to facilitate their owners making improvements for the bene- <br />fit of the overall community. From a Planner's perspective, Mr. Trudgeon ex- <br />pressed some concern of Councilmember Roe's proposal; however, noted that <br />staff would administer it at the direction of the City Council. Mr. Trudgeon noted <br />that, if the minimum lot size remained at 11,000 square feet, it would still allow <br />for subdivision to occur in Roseville, and would not solve any issues for those <br />property owners of noncompliant, smaller lots; and asked that a solution be found <br />for those property owners and their neighborhood character as well. <br />Councilmember Roe concurred with the need to preserve respective neighborhood <br />character, and suggested that atwo-tier approach could address those concerns <br />and should prove administrable. Councilmember Roe suggested that this process <br />continue refinement to gain some level of conformity and further address remain- <br />ing issues to consider. <br />I0: 00 n.m. Council Rules of Procedure <br />Roe moved, Johnson seconded, extending the meeting curfew time to complete <br />discussion of Item 13.d. <br />