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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 23, 2010 <br />Page 22 <br />d. Request for Direction on a Comprehensive Plan -Land Use Amendment and <br />Rezoning of two Parcels at the SE Corner of Dale Street and County Road C <br />(PROJ0017) <br />City Planner Thomas Paschke reviewed the request for direction following the <br />Public Hearing held on June 2, 2010 at the Planning Commission and their subse- <br />quent recommendation to the City Council; as detailed in the RCA dated August <br />23, 2010. <br />Discussion included the property owner's intent to build asingle-family home on <br />the parcel; topography of the site; and current land use designation for High Den- <br />sity Residential; and adjacent Reding Trust property and it's land use designation. <br />Public Comment <br />Cedric Adams, small parcel owner of PIN 12-29-23-22-0003 <br />Mr. Adams noted the current zoning of the entire corner as Single-family Resi- <br />dence and his intent when purchasing the property ten years ago to build asingle- <br />family home on the property; difficult topography and required setbacks from <br />County Road C south for the parcel; and additional ten feet easement from the <br />roadway due to that additional easement footage; and area watershed considera- <br />tions. Based on these hardships, Mr. Adams requested that the City Council re- <br />tain Single-Family zoning for the parcels to allow him to construct asingle-family <br />home on that lot. <br />Discussion continued among staff and Councilmembers on the notice for the Red- <br />ing property sent to the owner of record; and guidance of the Reding property as <br />High Density Residential since 1979. <br />Pust moved, Roe seconded, directing the Planning staff to proceed with Compre- <br />hensive Plan -Land Use Map amendment from High Density Residential to Low <br />Density Residential and Rezoned accordingly for the parcel identified as PIN #12- <br />29-23-22-000. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Ihlan; Pust; Roe; and Johnson. <br />Nays: None. <br />14. City Manager Future Agenda Review <br />15. Councilmember-Initiated Items for Future Meetings <br />16. Adjourn <br />The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:21 p.m. <br />