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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 23, 2010 <br />Page 21 <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Ihlan; Pust; Roe; and Johnson. <br />Nays: None. <br />Public Comment <br />Pete McKeever <br />Mr. McKeever opined that their neighborhood was under attack with the proposed <br />plan for reducing lots; and questioned the number of lots currently subdividable <br />and those that could be subdivided under the proposed minimum lot size reduc- <br />tion. Mr. McKeever cited several examples of subdivisions already in their <br />neighborhood and opined that of those he polled in his neighborhood, they were <br />universally opposed to smaller lots. <br />John Bachuber, 2223 Marion Road <br />Mr. Bachuber opined that those lots used on the example maps were inaccurate <br />and that the actual number of lots that could be subdivided and impacts to those <br />neighborhoods was grossly underestimated. <br />Carolyn Silflow, 2230 Marion <br />Ms. Silflow addressed her perception of the RCA comments, Section 2.3 and staff <br />recommendations without sufficient justification for smaller lots; while not ad- <br />dressing neighborhood protections from larger lots for environmental and health <br />concerns. Ms. Silflow asked that the City Council direct staff to consider those <br />citizen concerns in their recommendations. <br />Councilmember Roe clarified that the comments in Section 2.3 of the staff report <br />were referencing recommendations of the Lot Split Study Group, not those of <br />staff. <br />Ms. Sam Shadegg <br />Ms. Shadegg provided pictures for Councilmembers and asked that someone <br />needed to question why staff was so adamant about reducing lot sizes; and sug- <br />gested that the Planning staff was overstepping their authority. Ms. Shadegg ad- <br />vised that their large lots were protected under covenant. <br />Pete McKeever <br />Mr. McKeever questioned how staff could justify recommending flag lots. <br />Mr. Paschke clarified that staff was not advocating flag lots, but that it had come <br />up as part of a discussion for the Lot Split Study Group. <br />Councilmember Roe noted that staff was making no recommendation either way <br />on flag lots. <br />