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B. Minimum Requirements: See Section 1005.01. <br />1005.06: B-4 RETAIL OFFICE SERVICE DISTRICT: <br />The B-4 Retail Office Service District is designed to provide a limited mix of land uses, made <br />compatible through controls and high quality standards, to facilitate more intensive, larger, and <br />higher valued development and redevelopment areas for the regional market. This district allows <br />opportunities to integrate high quality offices, hotels, restaurants, retail uses and selected office <br />and manufacturing uses visible from state or county roads. The B-4 Retail Office Service District <br />is intended for certain areas designated as B Business area in the Comprehensive Plan. <br />A. Permitted, Accessory, and Conditional Uses: See Section 1005.015. <br />B. Minimum Requirements: See Section 1005.01. The following minimum requirements shall <br />also apply in all B-4 Districts: <br />1. Building Height; Floor Area Ratio: No limit shall be placed on the height of buildings in <br />the B-4 District, nor shall any minimum floor area ratio be required. However, buildings <br />over 40 feet in height shall have front lots not less than 3/4 of the height of the building and <br />side and rear yard setbacks of not less than 1/2 of the height of the building. <br />2. Outdoor Storage: There shall be no outdoor storage of equipment, materials, or products. <br />1005.07: B-6 MIXED USE BUSINESS PARK DISTRICTS: <br />The B-6 Office Park District is designed to provide a high quality office, clinic, hotel, and <br />research complex with multiple stories. Because the intent is to create tall and dense office <br />towers, there is no height limit in this district. This district is normally located adjacent to and is <br />visible from state or county roads. The B-6 Office Park District is intended for selected areas <br />designated as B Business area within the Comprehensive Plan. <br />A. A mixed use business park land use designation is defined as a geographically identifiable <br />area containing a consistent architectural mix of office, office-laboratory, office-showroom- <br />warehousing, biotechnical, biomedical, high-tech software and hardware production uses <br />with support services such as limited retail, health, fitness, lodging and multifamily housing. <br />A "Mixed Use Business Park" is a redevelopment area, in which the environmental impacts <br />of business park have been analyzed through an environmental impact statement or similar. <br />The impacts are then mitigated within the requirements a Planned Unit Development as <br />defined in Section 1008. All parcels shall have well-planned roads, utilities, ponding and <br />communication systems. Parcels within a "Mixed Use Business Park" shall have access to <br />an internal parkway and/or external County roads as well as convenient access to the . <br />Interstate Highway System. Emphasis shall be placed on creating a unique, safe and high- <br />quality work and play environment by installation of extraordinary, architecturally distinct <br />buildings, parkways, transit and transportation services, site planning, landscaping, parks, <br />pedestrian pathways, and lighting. <br />B. A B-6 district may be established after completion and city approval of a mixed-use master <br />plan for the entire district and completion of any required or voluntary environmental <br />review such as an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) or Alternate Urban Area Review <br />(AUAR) as defined by the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board rules. Uses permitted <br />within a B-6 district shall comply with Section 1008 of this Code by completing a Planned <br />