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SECTION: <br />1007.01: <br />1007.015: <br />1007.02: <br />1007.03 <br />1007.04: <br />General. Requirements <br />Industrial Uses and Zoning Districts <br />I-1 Light Industrial Districts <br />I-2 General Industrial Districts <br />I-2A Modified General Industrial Districts <br />1007.01: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: <br />The following minimum requirements shall apply to all buildings that may be erected, converted <br />or structurally altered in industrial districts and development of industrial land: <br />Section 1007.01 MINIMUM INDUSTRIAL AREA and <br />BUILDING DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS <br />ZONING DISTRICT I-1 <br />Section <br />1007.02 <br />( in feet) I-2 <br />Section <br />.1007.03 <br />(in feet) I-2A <br />Section <br />1007.04 <br />(in feet) <br />Interior Lot Area in Sq. Ft. 43,560 43,560 43,560 <br />Interior Lot Width (Minimum) 100 100 100 <br />Max.Height manufacturing, labs, warehouse, showroom 45 45 45 <br />Max. Height office structures (max. 4 stories) 60 60 60 <br />Maximum Floor Area Ratio -one story bldg. 0.4 0.4 0.4 <br />Max. Floor Area Ratio -greater than one story bldg. 0.6 0.6 0.6 <br />Minimum Building or Structure Setbacks I-1 I-2 I-2A <br />Front yard setback 40 40 40 <br />Front or Comer side facing Residential District 60 60 60 <br />Side yard facing street 40 40 40 <br />Side lot line (interior) 10 20 20 <br />Side lot line which abuts Res. District 40 40 40 <br />Rear Lot Line 20 20 20 <br />Rear Lot Line which abuts Residential District 100 100 100 <br />Minimum Parking Setback <br />Front or Corner side from or facing Res. District 40 40 40 <br />