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Front or Corner side with screen landscaping 20 20 20 <br />Side Lot line which abuts Ind. or Bus. District 5 5 5 <br />Side Lot line abutting a Ind. or Bus. parking lot 0 0 0 <br />Side Lot line which abuts Res. District 40 40 40 <br />Rear Lot line adjoining Residential District & screened 40 40 40 <br />Rear Lot line adjoining non residential district 5 5 5 <br />Rear Lot line to loading dock (unscreened) 100 100 100 <br />A. General Requirements: <br />1. Required yards shall be open spaces, which may be used for landscaping,-lawn and <br />driveways, but shall not be utilized for buildings, parking or open storage areas for goods or <br />vehicles except as hereinafter specified. <br />2. Landscaping: All yard space between the building setback and the street right-of--way line <br />not utilized for parking of vehicles shall be landscaped with grass, trees and other landscape <br />features as may be appropriate. <br />a. Exception: With a combination of permanent year-round screening and landscaping, <br />the parking setback of passenger vehicles (cars and trucks of less than one ton capacity) <br />may be reduced to twenty (20) feet from the front property line. The combination of <br />permanent year-round screening and landscaping may include: <br />(1) Coniferous trees and street trees as designated in the City Street Tree Master Plan, <br />(2) Shrubs; <br />(3) Berms, <br />(4) Masonry walls or other architectural improvements (no setback variance <br />required), <br />(5) Sunken parking lot elevations. <br />Any combination of subsection Ala (1) through (5) above shall provide a minimum <br />permanent year-round height of 36 inches from the highest point of the parking lot curb, <br />consisting of 80% opaque screening of the parked vehicles as seen from the public right <br />of way. If deciduous material is used, the berm shall be higher and require less in the <br />amount of vegetation. Where landscape materials are proposed, they shall be of such type <br />and size to meet the height and opacity requirements within 36 months or less after <br />installation. <br />b. Visibility: Traffic visibility shall not be impeded by fencing, structures, plantings or <br />berms within 40 feet of an intersection or driveway. <br />3. Side Yards: All side yard area not utilized for parking or open storage shall be <br />landscaped. Screening provided along the interior side lot line shall be set back a minimum <br />of 20 feet from any public right-of--way line. <br />4. Rear Yards: Parking of vehicles shall be permitted no closer than 40 feet to the rear lot <br />line of adjoining residential districts and shall be screened from view from adjacent <br />residential areas. The forty 40 foot strip adjacent to the rear lot line shall be landscaped. <br />Parking of vehicles shall be permitted no closer than five feet to rear lot lines adjoining <br />nonresidential districts. <br />B. Off-Street Parking: See Section 1018. <br />C. Prohibited Uses: Residential, commercial and public uses such as schools and churches shall <br />be prohibited uses in industrial zoning districts. (Ord. 1173, 9-23-1996) <br />