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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, August 23, 2010 <br />Page 9 <br />Councilmember Roe clarified language in the ordinance addressing "special light- <br />ing systems," with staff advising that this referred to traffic signals, pedestrian <br />lighting and/or street rights-of--way lighting that may not fall into specific catego- <br />ries in other areas of the ordinance. Councilmember Roe suggested a need to <br />consider changing the designation so "lighting" for all public safety aspects. <br />Acting Mayor Johnson concurred with Councilmember Roe. <br />Acting Mayor Johnson opened and closed the Public Hearing at 6:58 p.m. for the <br />purpose of hearing public comment on the proposed request for a noise variance <br />to extend working hours for the MnDOT/Ramsey County/City Rice Street <br />Project, with no one appearing for or against. <br />Written comment related to this item were provided as bench handouts, attached <br />hereto and made a part thereof. <br />12. Business Items (Action Items) <br />b. Consider Adopting Streetlight Utility Ordinance <br />Councilmember Roe noted that his initial rationale in considering this fee was not <br />as an additional revenue source, but one that the City had more control over, not <br />subject to fiscal disparities or changing legislation for how property taxes are dis- <br />tributed back to cities. Councilmember Roe opined that it made sense to look at <br />this designated fee, along with City policy to diversify revenue sources, that was a <br />specific cost and revenue source to cover that cost, rather than mysteriously col- <br />lected as a group tax. Councilmember Roe clarified that fees were essentially <br />taxes; and advised that he looked at it as a substitute for current levy funding, <br />while needing to review how all City costs and levels of service fit together. <br />Acting Mayor Johnson questioned whether Councilmember Roe would consider <br />this a temporary fee if the levy limits were to be rescinded by the State and then <br />revert this cost back to the levy. <br />Councilmember Roe advised that he didn't anticipate this as a short-term fee so as <br />not to make its administration cumbersome; and noted that the need was not ap- <br />parent to take final action on this prior to setting the Preliminary Levy, noting that <br />the final levy could be reduced if this fee were imposed. <br />Councilmember Ihlan spoke in opposition to this proposed fee at this point, based <br />on public input received to-date and past Council discussions, and based on fair- <br />ness concerns with whether or not to exempt properties; residential properties ap- <br />pearing to bear more of the burden than commercial properties. Councilmember <br />Ihlan advised that the only way she could consider supporting such a fee would be <br />if it was tied to a reduction in property taxes accordingly; with ordinance lan- <br />