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Variance Board Resolution 14
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Variance Board
Variance Board Resolution 14
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Last modified
9/21/2010 12:47:22 PM
Creation date
9/21/2010 12:39:30 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Variance Board
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Resolution #
Commission/Committee - Resolution Date Passed
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NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Roseville Variance Board, to approve <br />the following VARIANCES: <br />A 12 foot VARIANCE to Section 1009.03M allowing a 20 foot tall multi-tenant <br />(3 tenants) ground sign with 100 sq. ft. of sign area, installed adjacent to Snelling <br />Avenue. <br />A 12 foot VARIANCE to Section 1009.03M allowing a 20 foot tall multi-tenant <br />(2tenants) ground sign with 100 sq. ft. of sign area, installed adjacent to County <br />Road B. <br />A 5 foot VARIANCE to Section 1009.03M allowing a 8 foot tall single tenant <br />(Perkins) ground. sign with 57 sq. ft. of sign area, installed adjacent to County <br />Road B. <br />All VARIANCES subject to the following condition: <br />1. The Super Target ground sign adjacent to Snelling Avenue shall be limited to 100 <br />sq. ft. ofmulti-tenant (3) sign area, and the Super Target ground sign adjacent to <br />County Road B shall be limited to 100 sq. ft. ofmulti-tenant (2) sign area. <br />2. The Super Target free standing ground signs shall be limited to a height of 20 feet. <br />3. Each Super Target free standing ground sign shall meet the required 15 foot <br />minimum setback from property line. <br />4. The Perkins free standing ground sign shall be limited to a height of 8 feet and <br />100 sq. ft. of sign area. <br />5. The Perkins free standing ground sign shall be limited to a 10 foot setback from <br />the property line. <br />6. All three free standing ground signs must be internally illuminated. <br />7. The variance (if granted) shall expire within 6 months of its approval if a sign <br />permit is not issued (Section 1013.03). <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Variance <br />Board Member Bakeman and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor: <br />Boerigter, Bakeman, Pust, and Doherty <br />and the following voted against: None <br />WHEREUPON said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />2 <br />
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