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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
10/1/2010 1:02:00 PM
Creation date
10/1/2010 1:01:58 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 13, 2010 <br />Page 12 <br />Councilmember Pust noted that this provided for an assumption that everything <br />stays frozen in time; and opined that it seemed legitimate to consider that the de- <br />veloper would seek assistance for Phase II as well as the Assisted Living portion <br />in Phase III; and that this whole project would continue to change based on cur- <br />rent and projected economic situations. <br />For the benefit of the public, Mayor Klausing reviewed the basic concept of TIF, <br />and current and future taxation rates based on increased values; and the "BUT <br />FOR" tests applied to such requests; and the City capturing increments from those <br />certain improvements benefiting the property in the long-run, as well as the <br />School District and Ramsey County. Mayor Klausing opined that, the proposed <br />project would bring greater value and tax rates to all entities, after that nine-year <br />term, if not before. <br />Councilmember Roe noted the past history of the. City decertifying TIF Districts <br />early with all increment going to all taxing districts at that time. <br />Johnson moved, Roe seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 10839 entitled, `Reso- <br />lution approving a Modification to the Development Program for Municipal De- <br />velopment District No. 1 and Establishing Tax Increment Financing (Economic <br />Development) District No. 19 (Applewood Pointe Senior Cooperative Housing <br />Project) within Municipal Development District No. 1 and Approving the Tax In- <br />crement Financing Plan Therefore;" (Attachment E); as amended to indicate Dis- <br />trict No. 621 not School District No. 623, as shown on the draft documents. <br />Councilmember Ihlan spoke against the motion, opining that there was no public <br />purpose. Councilmember Ihlan noted that the project had been presented several <br />years ago as market rate and market driven, with no mention of TIF or other pub- <br />lic subsidies for the project. Councilmember Ihlan noted that there was no afford- <br />able housing component to this project; and opined that even though a connection <br />to Langton Lake was included in the project, it served no public benefit, as it <br />would cut through a currently heavily wooded area and actually create a loss of <br />park land. Councilmember Ihlan suggested that, if the City needed a connection to <br />the park, it build it without providing $2.5 million in public subsidy to a private <br />developer; and that there was no factual basis indicting that the project will ac- <br />tually create any new jobs. Councilmember Ihlan further opined that, the refer- <br />ence to this neighborhood being severely blighted was not accurate, and that con- <br />struction of the project will actually remove additional trees, which did not~consti- <br />tute blight. Councilmember Ihlan opined that, if there was no public purpose, it <br />was not right to give this large of a subsidy. Councilmember Ihlan referenced <br />page 9 of the Section "V," page 9, of the TIF Plan related to estimated public <br />costs and the amount of additional revenue listed on Page 10 for the project, and <br />those monies that would go to the School District and Ramsey County, as well as <br />the City, and could be used for other public purposes. Councilmember Ihlan <br />questioned the rationale in the developer not thinking the project was a good <br />
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