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City Council Meeting Minutes
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10/1/2010 1:02:00 PM
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10/1/2010 1:01:58 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 13, 2010 <br />Page 13 <br />business risk, but willing to bring the risk to the City. Councilmember Ihlan sug- <br />gested that the developer wait to construct the project if timing was not good now; <br />and questioned why the City should use public monies of $2.5 million when there <br />were so many other needs in the community, rather than a financial benefit -going <br />primarily to United Properties. <br />Councilmember Roe clarified that it was $300,000 in TIF being expended for <br />Phase I of the project, and that the $2.5 million represented the total increment <br />that could be captured by the entire District. Councilmember Roe opined that this <br />project served the purpose as established by the legislature in spurring some eco- <br />nomic development activity during an economic slump; and further opined that <br />the project and the City's involvement made sense. Councilmember Roe refe- <br />renced previous documentation included in the Twin Lakes Public Participation <br />Framework and criteria and categories for considering public purpose definitions. <br />Councilmember Roe advised that, based on that criteria, he was supportive of <br />providing TIF assistance as requested for the project. <br />Mayor Klausing spoke in support for the project; noting that the developer, rather <br />than the City, was advancing costs upfront for construction of the connecting road <br />into Langton Lake Park, rather than City taxpayers doing so. <br />Councilmember Johnson spoke in support of the motion, opining that "the glass is <br />half full, not half empty," and opining that this provided a great opportunity to <br />create and sustain jobs, not just construction jobs, but in future maintenance and <br />operations of the project; and further opined that the park deserved consideration <br />for connection to allow the public to be aware of and take advantage of this beau- <br />tiful park, providing a great public service. <br />Councilmember Pust, speaking for the record and in her role on the HRA, noted <br />that the recent Multi-family Housing Study acknowledged the need for this type <br />of housing in Roseville; therefore it constituted a public purpose; and opined that <br />Langton Lake was an asset in the community and should be appreciated by the en- <br />tire community, through opening up access to the park. However, Councilmemb- <br />er Pust noted that she had repeatedly stated her opposition in discussions for this <br />project and any use of TIF. Councilmember Pust noted that, since initial discus- <br />sions the economy had crashed for United Properties as well as everyone else, and <br />t!~ose financially viable considerations from 2007 and 2008 were not the same to- <br />day. Councilmember Pust advised that she was not as much opposed to the use of <br />TIF on the project as she had been in the past; however, she was not supportive of <br />the legislative amendments when she felt the intent was creation of more than just <br />one job. Councilmember Pust advised that, on balance, she would vote in opposi- <br />tion to the project, but acknowledged that she had softened her opinion on the use <br />of TIF for the project from her original position. <br />
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