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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
10/1/2010 1:02:00 PM
Creation date
10/1/2010 1:01:58 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 13, 2010 <br />Page 7 <br />Ms. Huot advised that other taxing jurisdictions, School District 621 and Ramsey <br />County had received prior notification of the proposed District. <br />Discussion among Ms. Radel, Ms. Huot and Councilmembers included how the <br />estimated public costs and their allocation were determined based on development <br />assumptions and developer requests and recommended reimbursement amounts <br />for the total estimated revenues broken down by project. costs by category; terms <br />of the actual developer reimbursement subject to negotiations for a Developer <br />agreement; potential bond issue and statutory provisions for potential bonded in- <br />debtedness; and use of the "pay-as-you-go" approach for the developer on this <br />project and how that provided an advantage to the developer to obtain private fi- <br />nancing based on the tight financial market and additional revenue source in the <br />developer's cash flow to leverage additional financing and make the overall <br />project more marketable form a financial standpoint. <br />Further discussion included verification that Springsted did not lobby for this leg- <br />islative provision and/or for this specific project, but activity at the legislature <br />over the last few years as part of the Job Bill and other initiatives in 2009; and <br />how drawing from a larger project area or District could benefit the City in receiv- <br />ing more increment paid toward and reducing the term of the note and the market <br />value amount generated. <br />Mayor Klausing opened the Public Hearing at 6:40 p.m. to hear public comment <br />Public Comment <br />Attorney Jane Larson, representing a potential purchaser of one of the coop- <br />erative units <br />Ms. Larson sought clarification on the proposed initial construction date for the <br />project, noting that her client had already put down a deposit, and was now being <br />asked to deposit additional non-refundable funds, and was seeking assurance that <br />the project would move forward; and whether sufficient units had been sold to en- <br />sure the project would go forward, in the interest of protecting her client. <br />Mayor Klausing advised that Ms. Larson and her client should have a response to <br />whether the project moves forward yet tonight, if the project moving forward was <br />dependent on creation of a TIF District and TIF financing, and the City Council's <br />approval or denial of that request. <br />Ms. Larson sought further clarification that this project was classified as owner- <br />occupied, not rental. units as indicated on a slide during the staff presentation. <br />Ms. Huot apologized for the typographical error, and verified that the project was <br />classified as owner-occupied residential. <br />
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