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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 20, 2010 <br />Page 6 <br />Mr. Munson advised staff had been in contact with the property owners in March <br />and May of this year, and that the intent of the owner, Mr. Fred O'Neill, III, was <br />to demolish the building by the end of this summer, but Mr. Munson noted that <br />there had been no action to-date, as indicated by the updated photos presented to- <br />night. In most recent conversations, Mr. Munson advised that Mr. O'Neill still <br />anticipated demolition yet this fall; and Mr. Munson noted that tonight's re- <br />quested action would take that into account, while providing incentive for the de- <br />molition to occur voluntarily by the property owner. Mr. Munson advised that the <br />property owner was not present at tonight's meeting. <br />Staff recommended that the Community Development Department be authorized <br />to require property owners to repair/remove hazardous conditions or raze the <br />building, or for the City to motion the Ramsey County District Court for summary <br />enforcement. <br />Discussion included administrative charges on a portion of the action; City Code <br />standards related to how the lot was left following voluntary demolition of the <br />building by the property owner; and possible hazardous materials stored in the <br />building. <br />Roe moved, Pust seconded, adoption of Resolution No.10846 entitled, "Declaring <br />the Building Located at 661 Cope Avenue as a hazardous Building and Requiring <br />its Repair or Razing (Attachment B)." <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Roe; Ihlan; Johnson; Pust; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />c. Consider City Abatement for an Unresolved Violation of City Code at 2570 <br />Charlotte Street <br />As previously noted, this item was removed from the agenda. <br />d. Consider City Abatement for an Unresolved Violation of City Code at 2745 <br />Hamline Avenue <br />As previously noted, this item was removed from the agenda. <br />e. Consider Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Designa- <br />tions of 70 (68 approved) Anomaly Properties and Rezone Accordingly <br />(PROJ0017) <br />Mayor Klausing thanked staff for their reformatting and numbering the maps for <br />easier reading. <br />City Planner Thomas Paschke summarized the request by the Planning Division <br />to amend the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for 70 anomaly proper- <br />ties in Roseville that were incorrectly or inadvertently guided during the Compre- <br />